Machine learning and optimization in golang
Implementations: decision_tree, linear regression (OLS), nonlinear optimization, genetic algorithm
decision trees
import (
maxDepth := 10
splitMethod := decision_tree.GINI
tree, err := decision_tree.DecisionTree(maxDepth, splitMethod)
if err != nil {
// load a sample dataset, X is [][]float64, and y is []float64
X, y := datasets.Load("iris")
// random subset to train
datasets.RandomShuffle(X, y)
XTrain, XTest := X[:67], X[67:]
yTrain, yTest := y[:67], y[67:]
tree.Fit(XTrain, yTrain)
// validate on held out data
yPred := tree.Classify(XTest)
fmt.Println(metrics.Accuracy(yPred, yTest))
linear regression (OLS)
this is the current state... will implement as a predictor interface with fit and classify later.
- most likely am not handling singular matrices properly when taking inverse
- implement as type w/ Fit and Classify functions
- clean up matrix package a bit (this is the only thing using it so far)
import (
X, y := datasets.Load("iris")
datasets.RandomShuffle(X, y)
XTrain, XTest := X[:67], X[67:]
yTrain, yTest := y[:67], y[67:]
beta := linear_model.LinearRegression(XTrain, yTrain)
// validate on held out data
yPred := matrix.VecMult(XTest, beta)
fmt.Println(metrics.Accuracy(yPred, yTest))
nonlinear optimization
import (
f := func(x []float64) float64 {
return math.Sin(x[0]) * math.Pow(math.Cos(x[1]), 2)
x := []float64{1, 1} // initial guess
f_min := optimization.GradientDescent(f, x)
genetic algorithm
Not necessarily sold on this implementation or interface; we'll see...
import (
A BitSample is represented by a bitfield (see
The goal of this example is to coax the random samples into our target
values (as specified in fitness())
func fitness(x genetic.Sample) float64 {
sample := x.(genetic.BitSample)
target := []int{0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1}
correct := 0.0
for i := 0; i < sample.field.Size(); i++ {
if boolToInt(sample.field.Test(uint32(i))) == target[i] {
return correct / float64(sample.field.Size())
Start with 20 random bit fields in `samples`
Run the GA with the mutation probability at 20%, max of 50 epochs, and a target
fitness value of 1.0. g.Run() will return the best sample it can find after all
epochs have finished or target was found.
samples := make([]genetic.Sample, 20)
for i := range samples {
sample := genetic.NewBitSample(20)
indexes := rand.Perm(20)[:randInt(20)]
for _, j := range indexes {
samples[i] = sample
g := genetic.New(samples, fitness, 0.2, 50, 1.0)