- Introduction ============
This guide explains how to install, configure, and make use of the EMC ViPR Cinder Driver. The driver works with following releases of Openstack.
Overview ========
The EMC ViPR Cinder driver contains ISCSIDriver, FibreChannelDriver and ScaleIODriver with the ability to create/delete and attach/detach volumes and create/delete snapshots, etc.
Requirements ============
EMC ViPR version 3.0 is required. Refer to the EMC ViPR documentation for installation and configuration instructions.
EMC ViPR CLI to be installed on the Openstack Cinder node/s.
EMC ViPR 3.0 in combination with Openstack Liberty or Mitaka supports consistency group, consistency group snap shots and Consistency Group update.
EMC ViPR 3.0 in combination with Openstack Liberty supports ScaleIO version 2.0 as the backend.
Supported Operations ====================
The following operations are supported:
- Create volume.
- Delete volume.
- Attach volume.
- Detach volume.
- Create snapshot.
- Delete snapshot.
- Get Volume Stats.
- Copy image to volume.
- Copy volume to image.
- Clone volume.
- Create volume from snapshot.
- Extend volume.
- Create consistency group.
- Delete consistency group.
- Update consistency group.
- Create consistency group snapshot.
- Delete consistency group snapshot.
- Preparation ===========
You can install the ViPR command line interface executable directly from ViPR appliance onto a supported Linux host.
Before you begin
- You need access to the ViPR appliance host.
- You need root access to the Linux host.
5.1.1 Procedure to install
- Log in to the Linux server as root.
- Create a temporary directory to download the CLI installer.
mkdir cli/temp
cd cli/temp
- Either point your browser to "https://:4443/cli" or run the wget command to retrieve the ViPR CLI installation bundle:
wget https://<FQDN>:4443/cli --no-check-certificate --content-disposition
For sites with self-signed certificates or where issues are detected, optionally use http://:9998/cli only when you are inside a trusted network. The CLI installation bundle is downloaded to the current directory. The wget command for the same is below.
wget http://<FQDN>:9998/cli --content-disposition
- Use tar to extract the CLI and its support files from the installation bundle.
tar -xvzf <cli_install_bundle>
- Run the CLI installation program.
python setup.py install
Install the ViPR CLI wherever python dist-packages or site-package folder is located at.
For Example:
Open viprcli.profile file located at the above installation directory. The username which we use to run the cinder service should have write permissions to the folder path specified by the field VIPR_CLI_INSTALL_DIR. If, the user doesnt have the write permissions, then set the value of VIPR_CLI_INSTALL_DIR to a path for which the user running cinder has write permissions to.
Note : Perform this step only when you have not provided the correct input in step 5. Edit the file viprcli.profile using the vi command and set the VIPR_HOSTNAME to the ViPR public virtual IP address and VIPR_PORT=4443 environment variable and save the file.
# vi viprcli.profile
# Installation directory of ViPR CLI
# Add the ViPR install directory to the PATH and PYTHONPATH env variables
# ViPR Host fully qualified domain name
# ViPR Port Number
- From the command prompt open python prompt by typing python. Below command should be successful to indicate that the process has been correctly performed.
import viprcli
The EMC ViPR environment must meet specific configuration requirements to support the OpenStack Cinder Driver:
- ViPR users must be assigned a Tenant Administrator role or a Project Administrator role for the Project being used. ViPR roles are configured by ViPR Security Administrators. Consult the EMC ViPR documentation for details.
- The following configuration must have been done by a ViPR System Administrator, using the ViPR UI, ViPR API, or ViPR CLI:
- ViPR virtual assets, such as virtual arrays and virtual pools, must have been created.
- Each virtual array designated for use in the OpenStack iSCSI driver must have an IP network created with appropriate IP storage ports.
- Each instance of the ViPR Cinder Driver can be used to manage only one virtual array and one virtual pool within ViPR.
- The ViPR Cinder Driver requires one Virtual Storage Pool, with the following requirements (non-specified values can be set as desired):
- Storage Type: Block
- Provisioning Type: Thin
- Protocol: iSCSI Fibre Channel iSCSI and Fibre Channel ScaleIO
- Multi-Volume Consistency: DISABLED OR ENABLED (Consistency group is supported from Juno release)
- Maximum Native Snapshots: A value greater than 0 allows the OpenStack user to take Snapshots.
Download the EMC ViPR Cinder driver from the following location: https://github.com/emcvipr/controller-openstack-cinder.
Copy the vipr subdirectory to the cinder/volume/drivers/emc directory of your OpenStack node(s) where cinder-volume is running. This directory is where other Cinder drivers are located.
Modify /etc/cinder/cinder.conf by adding the following lines, substituting values for your environment:
volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.emc.vipr.iscsi.EMCViPRISCSIDriver
vipr_emulate_snapshot= True or False
Below fields are needed only for ScaleIO backend.
vipr_scaleio_rest_gateway_ip=<IP address>
scaleio_verify_server_certificate=True or False
Note 1: The value for vipr_cookiedir defaults to /tmp but can be overridden if specified.
Note 2: To utilize the Fibre Channel Driver, replace the volume_driver line above with:
volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.emc.vipr.fc.EMCViPRFCDriver
Note 3: set vipr_emulate_snapshot to True, if the ViPR vpool has VMAX or VPLEX as the backing storage.
Note 4: Starting with Liberty release of Openstack, ScaleIO nova driver is upstream. Hence, no additional steps are needed to configure the ScaleIO nova driver.
- Modify the rpc_response_timeout value in /etc/cinder/cinder.conf to at least 5 minutes. if this value does not already exist within the cinder.conf file, please add it
Now, restart the cinder-volume service.
Create OpenStack volume types with the cinder command
cinder --os-username admin --os-tenant-name admin type-create <typename>
- Map the OpenStack volume type to the ViPR Virtual Pool with the cinder command
cinder --os-username admin --os-tenant-name admin type-key <typename> set ViPR:VPOOL=<ViPR-PoolName>
Add/modify the following entries if you are planning to use multiple back-end drivers.
- The "enabled_backends" parameter needs to be set in cinder.conf and other parameters required in each backend need to be placed in individual backend sections (rather than the DEFAULT section).
- �enabled_backends� will be commented by default, please un-comment and add the multiple back-end names as below.
enabled_backends=viprdriver-iscsi,viprdriver-fc, viprdriver-scaleio
- Add the following at the end of the file; please note that each section is named as in #2 above.
vipr_hostname=<ViPR Host Name>
vipr_hostname=<ViPR Host Name>
volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.emc.vipr.scaleio.EMCViPRScaleIODriver
vipr_hostname=<ViPR Host Name>
vipr_scaleio_rest_gateway_ip=<ScaleIO Rest Gateway>
vipr_scaleio_rest_server_username=<rest gateway username>
vipr_scaleio_rest_server_password=<rest gateway password>
scaleio_verify_server_certificate=True or False
scaleio_server_certificate_path=<certificate path>
- Restart the cinder-volume service.
- Setup the volume-types and volume-type to volume-backend association.
cinder --os-username admin --os-tenant-name admin type-create "ViPR High Performance"
cinder --os-username admin --os-tenant-name admin type-key "ViPR High Performance" set ViPR:VPOOL="High Performance"
cinder --os-username admin --os-tenant-name admin type-key "ViPR High Performance" set volume_backend_name=EMCViPRISCSIDriver
cinder --os-username admin --os-tenant-name admin type-create "ViPR High Performance FC"
cinder --os-username admin --os-tenant-name admin type-key "ViPR High Performance FC" set ViPR:VPOOL="High Performance FC"
cinder --os-username admin --os-tenant-name admin type-key "ViPR High Performance FC" set volume_backend_name=EMCViPRFCDriver
cinder --os-username admin --os-tenant-name admin extra-specs-list
cinder --os-username admin --os-tenant-name admin type-create "ViPR performance SIO"
cinder --os-username admin --os-tenant-name admin type-key "ViPR performance SIO" set ViPR:VPOOL="Scaled Perf"
cinder --os-username admin --os-tenant-name admin type-key "ViPR performance SIO" set volume_backend_name=EMCViPRScaleIODriver
cinder --os-username admin --os-tenant-name admin extra-specs-list
- iSCSI specific notes =======================
- The openstack compute host must be added to the ViPR along with its iSCSI initiator.
- The iSCSI initiator must be associated with IP network on the ViPR.
- Fibre Channel Specific Notes ============================
The OpenStack compute host must be attached to a VSAN or fabric discovered by ViPR.
There is no need to perform any SAN zoning operations. EMC ViPR will perform the necessary operations automatically as part of the provisioning process
If you are running an older version of OpenStack, you may need to add the following line within the /etc/cinder/rootwrap.d/volume.filters file, to enable sg_scan to run under rootwrap.
sg_scan: CommandFilter, sc_scan, root
- ScaleIO notes specific to SDC configuration ==============================================
- Plese install the ScaleIO SDC on the openstack host.
- The OpenStack compute host must be be added as the SDC to the ScaleIO MDS using the below command NOTE: The below step has to be repeated whenever the SDC(openstack host in this case) is rebooted.
/opt/emc/scaleio/sdc/bin/drv_cfg --add_mdm --ip List of MDM IPs(starting with primary MDM and separated by comma)
Example: /opt/emc/scaleio/sdc/bin/drv_cfg --add_mdm --ip,,
- Verify the above with the following command. It should list the above configuration.
/opt/emc/scaleio/sdc/bin/drv_cfg --query_mdms
- Configuring ScaleIO nova driver ====================================
- Starting with Liberty release of openstack, ScaleIO nova driver is upstream. Hence, no additional steps are needed to configure the ScaleIO nova driver.
- Consistency Group specific configuration ====================================
- To enable the support of consistency group and consistency group snapshot operations, use a text editor to edit the file /etc/cinder/policy.json and change the values of the below fields as specified. Upon editing the file, restart the c-api service.
"consistencygroup:create" : "",
"consistencygroup:delete": "",
"consistencygroup:get": "",
"consistencygroup:get_all": "",
"consistencygroup:update": "",
"consistencygroup:create_cgsnapshot" : "group:nobody",
"consistencygroup:delete_cgsnapshot": "group:nobody",
"consistencygroup:get_cgsnapshot": "group:nobody",
"consistencygroup:get_all_cgsnapshots": "group:nobody",
- Names of resources in backend stroage =========================================
- All the resources like Volume, Consistency Group, Snapshot and Consistency Group Snapshot will use the display name in openstack for naming in the backend storage. Previously, we used the openstack ID of snapshot for naming the snapshot in the backend.
- Generating & using security file =========================================
use the file encrypt_password.py in util folder to generate a security file, which has the username and password in an encrypted form.
Usage of encrypt_password.py:
python encrypt_password.py -user <vipruser> -password <viprpassword>
-securityfile <filepath where encrypted security is stored>
-cinderuser <User account which runs the cinder service>
The security file generation can be done in two ways
The admin can login as root user and then run the above command to generate a security file at a location, which is accessible to only "cinder" user account.
Login as the root user and then open /etc/passwd and then go to the entry named cinder.
Change the last entry from /sbin/nologin to /bin/bash and you will be able to run commands through the account "cinder"
Make sure that the encrypt_password.py is placed in a location, which has permission for cinder user and run the below command and run the below command
su -l cinder -c "python <appropriatefolder>/encrypt_password.py -user <vipruser> -password <viprpassword> -securityfile <filepath_where_encrypted_security_is_stored> -cinderuser <User_account_which_runs_the_cinder_service>"
open /etc/cinder/cinder.conf and make following changes
If the vipr_security_file entry is not specified or is empty, then the regular username and password fields will be used.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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Copyright (c) 2016 EMC Corporation.