This is a pokemon app that uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The app loads data from an external app. The details of the API are shown as data points in detail by clicking on a pokemon name. The pokemon details appear through a modal. The modal has a close [x] button and is separated into a title (pokemon name) and a body (pokemon character). The search field shown in the navigation bar as well as the two buttons below the table have no function.
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Pokemon API [Link(]
- Ajax
- Fetch polyfill
- Promise polyfill
During this project I learned:
- how to use the fetch function to load data from an external API
- how to implement the IIFE methodology to isolate variable declarations
- how to use the DOM methodology and its code language JS and jQuery
- how a user clicks through a small app and how to integrate an app listener
- how to use bootstrap
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
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