A serverless, progressive web application (PWA) with React using a test-driven development (TDD) technique. The application uses the Google Calendar API to fetch upcoming events.
1. Filter events by city.
2. Show/hide event details.
3. Specify number of events.
4. Use the app when offline.
5. View a chart showing the number of upcoming events by city.
As a user I should be able to "filter events by city" So that user can see the list of events that take place in that city
- **Scenario 1:** When user hasn’t searched for a city, show upcoming events from all cities.
- **Given** user hasn't searched for any city
- **When** the user opens the app
- **Then** the user should see a list of all upcoming events
- **Scenario 2:** User should see a list of suggestions when they search for a city.
- **Given** the main page is open
- **When** user starts typing in the city textbox
- **Then** the user should see a list of cities (suggestions) that match what they’ve typed
- **Scenario 3:** User can select a city from the suggested list.
- **Given** the user was typing “Berlin” in the city textbox and the list of suggested cities is showing
- **When** the user selects a city (e.g., “Berlin, Germany”) from the list
- **Then** their city should be changed to that city (i.e., “Berlin, Germany”) and the user should receive a list of upcoming events in that city
As a user I should be able to show/hide event details So that user can see more/less information about an event
- **Scenario 1:** An event element is collapsed by default.
- **Given** the user opens the app
- **When** the user see a list of all upcoming events (with show details button)
- **Then** the user should see a each list is collapsed by default
- **Scenario 2:** User can expand an event to see its details.
- **Given** the user see an event element with show deatils button
- **When** the user clicks on show details button
- **Then** the user should see the expanded event element with hide details button
- **Scenario 3:** User can collapse an event to hide its details.
- **Given** the users see a expanded event element with hide details button
- **When** the user click on hide deatils button
- **Then** the user should see the collaped event element with show details button
As a user I should be able to specify the number of events So that user can see more or fewer events in the events list at once
- **Scenario 1:** When user hasn’t specified a number, 32 is the default number.
- **Given** the user did not specified a number of events being shown
- **When** app loaded
- **Then** the user should see a default number which is 32
- **Scenario 2:** User can change the number of events they want to see.
- **Given** the list of elements has been loaded and the user did not specify a number of events he wants to see
- **When** the user enters a number (for example 6) in the number of events input field
- **Then** the user should see a 6 in the input field and user should only see a 6 events in the page
As a user I should be able to use the app when offline So that user can see the events viewed the last time user was online
- **Scenario 1:** Show cached data when there’s no internet connection.
- **Given** the app has no internet connection
- **When** the data is cached from the last time user was online
- **Then** the user should see the events viewed the last time user was online
- **Scenario 2:** Show error when user changes the settings (city, time range).
- **Given** the app is offline the user open the settings
- **When** the user changes the settings (city, time range)
- **Then** the user should see a error
As a user I should be able to see a chart showing the upcoming events in each city So that user know what events are organized in which city
- **Scenario 1:** Show a chart with the number of upcoming events in each city.
- **Given** the user selects a city after typing city name in the input field from the main page
- **When** the user selects the city
- **Then** the suer should see a chart showing the upcoming events in each city
To get started with the meet App follow these steps.
Your system should have a NPM.
npm install npm@latest -g
Required installation to get started with the App, follow these steps.
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/leevee6039/meet.git
Install NPM packages
npm install
Start the app
npm run start
To push changes to github pages
npm run deploy
Above steps if you get any error try to google
- As a user, I would like to be able to filter events by city so that I can see the list of events that take place in that city.
- As a user, I would like to be able to show/hide event details so that I can see more/less information about an event.
- As a user, I would like to be able to specify the number of events I want to view in the app so that I can see more or fewer events in the events list at once.
- As a user, I would like to be able to use the app when offline so that I can see the events I viewed the last time I was online.
- As a user, I would like to be able to see a chart showing the upcoming events in each city so that I know what events are organized in which city.