A basic Spring Boot app with single RESTController serving randomly generated data using Podam Factory. Showcases a few different configurations for documenting web services using Springfox Swagger.
To use Springfox, your controllers will need to be annotated with @RequestMapping at the class level (regardless of method-level annotations). Additionally, you will need a configuration class annotated with @EnableSwagger2 and at least one @Bean that returns a Docket instance. You can find this in the SwaggerConfig class.
Different configurations can be enabled by switching between the following Spring Profiles using the spring.profiles.active property in application.properties.
swagger-basic - barebones configuration
swagger-security - adds a required header (ie. "Authorization = Bearer {OAuth2 Token})
swagger-custom - other customizations including reading API info from a properties file.
Swagger UI: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
Lombok - To run this code from eclipse, you’ll need to install Lombok.