Here are 12191 accounts that I block on Twitter. Mostly promoted, meme-posting, or "parody" accounts.
To block these accounts:
- right click and "Save As..." this csv file to download.
- go to your settings on Twitter
- click Blocked accounts on the left-hand sidebar
- from the Advanced options drop down, select "Import a list" and select the csv that you downloaded.
If you think it's a mistake you made it onto this list, make an issue and I'll see if I can remove you.
If you wanna contribute, make a pull request, append your blocks, and push!
Throw this script in Greasemonkey. Open up a few twitter windows and watch your blocklist grow! If you have any suggestions for how to block the accounts on loading of more tweets instead of using the scroll action, I'm all ears!
// ==UserScript==
// @name Block promoted tweets
// @version 1
// @include https://TWITTER.COM/*
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
// select and block accounts that have promoted tweets.
$(document).on("scroll", function() {
function (e) {;
// scroll to bottom of page to load in some more tweets (some promoted maybe)
window.setInterval(function() {window.scrollByPages(100)}, 2000);
// refresh the page every 20 seconds so
window.setInterval(function() {location.reload();}, 20000);