The app was built as a POC of how a web front end can connect to a gRPC server via a gateway proxy
The aim is to have the web front end be able to communicate to the gRPC server using RESTful endpoints
The proxy/intermediary will then handle conversion to and from gRPC calls for the REST calls received
The ere are two possible approaches to this
- Create a gRPC proxy using Go Multiplexer server to expose RESTful API endpoints
- Create a gRPC client using Node and use express to create RESTful API endpoints
- Install
- Install
- Helps generate APIs from protocol buffers - Install
- Runs the MUX proxy server - Install
node js
- Install the NPM packages. Run
npm install
- To start the gRPC server, execute the command
npm run start:grpc-server
- This will expose the server in the endpoint http:\\localhost:30043
- To start the go proxy server, execute the command
go run proxy/main.go
- This exposes the proxy server for RESTful calls in http:\\localhost:8081
- Try accessing the endpoint http:\\localhost:8081\v1\products in your browser or postman. A list of products should be displayed
- To start the gRPC Node client, execute the command
npm run start:grpc-client