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Vitality 2.0

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Vitality 2.0: Goals & Features

Frontend & BFF

  • Enhanced E2E Testing: Implement comprehensive end-to-end testing using [Tool - e.g., Playwright] to cover critical user flows and ensure robust functionality.
  • Robust Authentication: Develop a secure and user-friendly authentication system with a dedicated backend, integrated with the frontend via a BFF.
  • Perfo…

Vitality 2.0: Goals & Features

Frontend & BFF

  • Enhanced E2E Testing: Implement comprehensive end-to-end testing using [Tool - e.g., Playwright] to cover critical user flows and ensure robust functionality.
  • Robust Authentication: Develop a secure and user-friendly authentication system with a dedicated backend, integrated with the frontend via a BFF.
  • Performance & Eco-Consciousness:
    • Integrate tools to measure and optimize the application's environmental impact (Eco Mesure/Green Index).
    • Track and improve DORA metrics.
    • Utilize Lighthouse for SEO analysis and optimization.
  • Dependency & Security Management:
    • Regularly audit and update dependencies (pnpm audit, pnpm outdated).
    • Conduct security analysis and vulnerability scanning using Snyk.
  • Code Quality & Consistency:
    • Enforce code style and formatting with ESLint and Prettier.
    • Implement unit/integration testing with Jest/Vitest and monitor code coverage.
    • Configure Husky for Git hooks and commit linting.
  • Integration with Monitoring & Analytics Platforms:
    • SonarQube/SonarCloud
    • Content Square
    • Sentry
    • Datadog

Backoffice (BO)

  • Authentication: Develop a dedicated authentication backend for the backoffice, integrated with the frontend via a BFF.
  • E2E Tests: Implement E2E tests to cover key administrative workflows.