7.46.0 (2024-03-05)
- add @einride/ui-labs package (d98423d)
- add background highlight theme color (1d13661)
- add dates package (3a5a4de)
- add indeterminate property to checkbox component (4a88f7c)
- add inverted border colors (498ba77)
- add minus icon (06a8809)
- add new icons needed in demand wizard (bfafdf9)
- add NumberInput component (6b5018e)
- add test svg icons (df16225)
- Box: add alignSelf prop (044fecb)
- Box: add margin-inline and margin-block props (05f1c15)
- Box: add max-inline-size and max-block-size (9f6b104)
- Box: allow flexShrink prop (575c4de)
- export Segments and SegmentsTrigger components (92a2c06)
- length: add conversion factor for meter to yard (66b9a09)
- make sure to use mantine component headless (fc3bfac)
- maps: change color of siteWithCharger and add siteWithChargerElectric (dec53e7)
- Option: enable passing children flexibly without disturbance from icon prop (dba167f)
- Radio: set correct styles when not using visible label (8cd1624)
- SearchInput: make it possible to add suffix (ac336f1)
- Segments: base on radio group instead of tabs (470f922)
- separate disabled from read-only (086199a)
- Textarea: allow passing props to the textarea wrapper element (8a92c9d)
- TextInput: make it possible to add a suffix (90eccf4)
- Tooltip: add max-inline-size (2d1e04f)
- upgrade mantine to v7 (4a6b4b0)
- Weight: make it possible to input weight in both kilogram and pound (4b4b35d)
- WeightUnit: replace unitSystem prop with measurementSystem (c89e02a)
Bug Fixes
- add changer icon (943f02e)
- add dark charger icon (451e003)
- add kilometer to mile conversion factor (136d8bc)
- add side prop to determine tooltip position (dea855b)
- align workflows (f20346c)
- Avatar: fix edge-cases for initials (472e9ee)
- Avatar: show initials if src is undefined (237206e)
- Banner: extend div props (0cc3b78)
- Box: set margin-inline correctly (b27bd45)
- bump dayjs dependency (36f5dde)
- bump mantine dependencies (89e1f75)
- bump mantine dependencies (de57110)
- bump mantine deps (5866763)
- bump mantine deps (0d400dd)
- bump mantine deps (5ab74ee)
- bump mantine deps (5e41474)
- bump mantine deps (2dc6473)
- bump mantine deps (022d854)
- bump mantine deps (81e267b)
- bump mantine deps (e8fc307)
- bump mantine deps (b57f4d5)
- bump mantine deps (f5192a9)
- bump mantine deps (265fc21)
- bump radix-ui deps (ae88575)
- bump react-map-gl dependency (2948e88)
- bump versions (cc17b3a)
- convert METER_TO_YARD correctly (1bd6c8c)
- correct contentWrapperProps type for Tooltip (eaf450a)
- correct import path (4748c67)
- date-pickers: fix unrecognized dom element error (0e59e17)
- DatePicker,DateRangePicker: reintroduce withCellSpacing that is now fixed in Mantine (8c14693)
- deprecate date components (abdaefd)
- deprecate POUND_FACTOR in favor of KILOGRAM_TO_POUND (effe09f)
- DIVOPS-3: do not render date picker popovers in portals (0cb2090)
- export DateRangePickerValue (337404e)
- export themes (c701ee0)
- expose style prop for tooltip content wrapper (d171960)
- fix date picker positioning (af82f54)
- fix tsconfig paths (384b2ba)
- forward ref to Menu component (c707dcd)
- icon: use correct font character for plus icon (f62677a)
- improve JSDocs of as prop (dd029b5)
- include @einride/ui-labs in build script (1b4a77f)
- include dayjs as dependency (66661b3)
- LinearGauge: correct required props (f9a359a)
- LinearProgress: set correct required props (29c1455)
- LinearVerticalProgress: set correct required props (f25d636)
- make it possible to pass custom border radius to skeleton (6cfe719)
- map: add useStyleLoad hook (2305138)
- maps: add marker hooks (89ab09a)
- maps: export types (4dc8fa2)
- maps: move dependencies to peer dependencies (af12f22)
- MenuContent: expose all menu content props (5fac7ca)
- mimic @einride/ui-maps (7f9f22f)
- point types package.json entry to correct path (57a7cd4)
- properly hide outside dates (53a1b38)
- publish with provenance (d84cb8d)
- publish with provenance (b65a2dc)
- put index file in src (1c60308)
- reassign xMark icon to new character to resolve iOS 17 issue (08dd77f)
- remove all mapping exports that are now in @einride/ui-maps (ee1cc91)
- remove map dependencies (5a13e5f)
- remove MapTooltip that is now available in @einride/ui-maps (5be70f0)
- remove node version requirements (dbe7533)
- remove unsued exports (d9e6798)
- remove unsued exports (969e094)
- remove unused interfaces (951e79c)
- remove unused map marker (b951b65)
- remove useStyleLoad hooks that is now available in @einride/ui-maps (9c5861f)
- resolve zoom/small device issues in tabs component (3d9142e)
- Select: set colors (af1ed77)
- Sheets: expose all dialog content props (7e1d06b)
- Slider: add onClick to make it possible to stop propagation (0ab477a)
- Slider: avoid small gap between start range and range (ed5532c)
- Slider: prevent zooming/scrolling during ongoing slide on touch devices (79ab266)
- StepGauge: set correct required props (461bab5)
- StepProgress: set correct required props (8449616)
- StepVerticalProgress: set correct required props (fb407fb)
- Text: add textDecoration prop (cb7fbf0)
- upgrade mantine deps (31e8322)
- Weight,WeightUnit: deprecate imperial instead of removing (2196052)
- revert forwarding ref to Menu component (538230c)