Port of @drewwilson’s atvImg for React. It supports both touch and mouse events, and uses ReactDOM for layers. Example was assembled from Designmodo.
npm install --save react-atv-parallax
Or run it locally:
git clone https://github.com/DanielSinclair/react-atv-parallax
cd react-atv-parallax
npm install
npm run dev
Then navigate to http://localhost:3000/
static propTypes = {
isStatic: PropTypes.bool,
style: PropTypes.object,
children: PropTypes.node
: Optional. A boolean value. When it evaluates to true
, it disables the parallax effect, and shows the flattened component.
: Optional. Set up the width/height of the entire component.
: Required. Equates the child dom elements as layers. Ordered: background to foreground.
import ATVParallax from 'react-atv-parallax';
<ATVParallax style={{ width: 320, height: 190 }}>
<img src='img/1.png'/>
<img src='img/2.png'/>
<div style={{ ... }}>
<span>Floating Title</span>