Releases: edwork/homeassistant-peloton-sensor
June 2024 Feature/Bugfix Update
Big Thanks to @RobertD502!
This release contains the following (summarized):
- 🪲 Bugfix: Return 0 for Current stat sensors when workout is inactive ebbe9c4 Thanks @RobertD502!
- ✨ Feature: Add ReAuth Step to config Flow c7620dc f5f78a3 86a14eb 36ea253 Thanks @RobertD502!
Gettz Hotfix Release
Note: This requires 2024.6 or later
This release contains the following (summarized):
🪲 Bugfix: Fix I/O blocking caused by dateutil gettz function #93
Marching Forward Release 🗓️
This release contains the following (summarized):
- 🪲 Bugfix: Temporary usage of @RobertD502's augmented Pylotoncycle Library while changes are merged upstream. Consideration for using this branch full-time is being worked out.
- 🪲 Bugfix: Utilize async_forward_entry_setups & Start/End time sensor StateClass Removal #63
- ✨ Feature: Workout Count sensor added
See the full changelog here
Most "Current" Release ⚡️
🎆 New Year Release (2023)
Welcome to 2023!
This release primarily fixes a bug that breaks the sensor entirely during a workout - see #54. See the full list of changes below.
🚀 QuickFix Release
Version 0.8.0
Huge Thanks to elahd for the incredible enhancements.
🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨
Your integration will need re-setup via the Integrations UI
Your Entity IDs and sensor types have now changed
This is to align better with the way HomeAssistant wants sensors to be represented
Again, thanks to elahd in this #38
Fixes sensors becoming unavailable and adds custom icons!
🚀 To the Moon Release!
Version 0.8.0
Huge Thanks to elahd for the incredible enhancements.
🚨 Breaking Changes 🚨
- Your integration will need re-setup via the Integrations UI
- Your Entity IDs and sensor types have now changed
- This is to align better with the way HomeAssistant wants sensors to be represented
Again, thanks to elahd in this #38
New Features:
- Added support for configuration via Home Assistant UI.
- Broke out attributes into their own sensors using HA core sensor types and units of measurement where sensible.
- dumps additional endpoints.
- Changed integration name to "Peloton" since this is no longer just a single sensor.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed broken hassfest validation. (hass.json is basically deprecated and only needs a name now.)
- Fixed exceptions when some workout attributes can't be found.
HA/HACS Compliance:
- Removed This has been deprecated in HACS. Releases should be made using GitHub's releases feature. HACS will extract version numbers and release notes from there.
- Added mypy static typing to everything.
- Added Home Assistant's plugins for pylint. (... and a script that automatically updates the plugins when the Change Home Assistant Version VS Code task is run (see below).
- Added dependabot and CodeQL GitHub workflows.
New Year Release - Minor Update
Version 0.7.1
[Bugfix] Fixes 2 unquoted strings.
New Year Release!
Version 0.7.0 - includes some sizable changes that improve sensor attribute parsing.
[Bugfix] Attributes that previously had no value would cause other attributes to fail to populate. These now report Unavailable if they hold no value and allow the rest of the attributes to load.
[Enhancement] Start Time and End Time show now as proper Datetime formats instead of a timestamp.
[Bugfix] Heartrate Sensors no longer cause the sensor to crash if you are not using a sensor.
[Bugfix] The primary state will now show as Unavailable if the sensor is unable to load.
[Bugfix] The Logger now has most non-fatal errors set to Debug rather than Warning which was filling users' logs with unncessary information.
Forgotten Release!
It's been too long - so here it is! A working release! See the following changes:
- Updated Readme
- Updated Example Photo
- Added Warning and Debug Logger Statements (more to come)
- Fixed broken state and attribute parsing
Added Extra State Attributes:
- device_type
- is_paused
Removed Broken Extra State Attributes:
(commented out, would like to add back)
- Speed Mph
- Speed Kph
- Cadence Rpm
- Power W