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A distributed key-value store using the Chord protocol

This repository contains the implementation of a distributed key-value store based on the Chord protocol. The Chord paper followed for this project can be found here.

A detailed report with our findings can be found here.

Getting started


Golang, gRPC and Protocol buffers are needed to run this project. The following instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


For running this project smoothly, you need golang version >= 1.10. If you are on Debian buster or Ubuntu bionic, run the following commands:

apt install golang
export GOPATH=${HOME}/go

For other distributions, please refer to golang installation page here. You would also need to set GOROOT and GOPATH environment variable.

The GOPATH environment variable specifies the location of your workspace. If you want to use a custom location as your workspace, you can set the GOPATH environment variable by exporting in .bashrc, .zshrc etc. This page explains how to set this variable on various platforms.

gRPC and Protocol Buffers

If you are on Debian or Ubuntu, run the following command:

apt install protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev

For more information, please visit this link

Basic Setup: Downloading and building

For downloading this repository and building it, run the following commands in given order:

  1. Download the repository

    mkdir -p ${CHORDDIR}
    git clone ${CHORDDIR}
  2. Retrieve and prepare dependencies

    go get -d
    go install
    export PATH="${PATH}:${GOPATH}/bin"
    protoc -I ${CHORDDIR}/server \
           ${CHORDDIR}/server/*.proto \
  3. Build the project

    go install

NOTE: If you plan on runing chord with many nodes (40+) in a single process, add the following lines at the end of /etc/security/limits.conf. Rebooting of computer is required to refresh the limits.

*         hard    nofile      500000
*         soft    nofile      500000
root      hard    nofile      500000
root      soft    nofile      500000


Once the installation and building of the project is over, you are ready to go :) [pun intended]

Chord Server

To run the chord server, run the follwing command to run the project without going to the repository folder:

export PATH="${PATH}:${GOPATH}/bin"
  • To run the project with 64 chord nodes (default) on localhost, run:

  • If you want to set the number of nodes, run the chord command with -N flag.

    chord -N <number of nodes>
    chord -N 1 # runs chord with 1 local nodes
  • If you want to bind chord program to localhost, run with flag -addr For custom hostname/address, binding can be done by using following templates:

    # Binding a hostname/address with 64 nodes (default)
    chord -addr
    chord -addr <hostname|address>
    chord -addr node001.ib.cluster
  • If you want to join server nodes from one machine to another machine, run the following commands:

    # Joining with 64 nodes (default) to node001
    chord -join <hostname:port|address:port>
    chord -addr -join  
    chord -addr node002 -join node001:21210
  • For running optimisations for fixing fingers, learning nodes and counting log hops, run the following commands:

    # Optimisations and other options
    chord -<optimisation name>
    chord -fix_fingers # whether to intelligently fix fingers
    chord -learn_nodes # whether to aggresively learn nodes for fingers
    chord -log_hops # whether to log hop counts for predecessor search

First virtual node's port is always 21210. Second's is 21211 and it increases one by one for each node on the ring.


For running the stabilisation part on the ring, chord instance should be already running.

If it is not running, either run:


or run following command at project directory ${CHORDDIR}:

go run main.go

Now change into stabilise directory and run:

cd ${CHORDDIR}/cmd/stabilise
  • To stabilise 64 nodes (default) on localhost, run:

    go run main.go
  • To run stabilisation utilities on different machine:

    # To run stabilisation utility:
    go run main.go -addr <bootstrap node:port> -N <ring size>
    go run main.go -addr node001:21210 -N 1024 # stabilise the ring with 1024 nodes
  • For other optimisations:

    # Optimisations and other options
    go run main.go -<optimisation name>
    go run main.go -check_fingers # also wait for fingertable to be correct
    go run main.go -check_successors # also wait for successor list to be correct

<ring size> is total number of nodes. It is sum of the multiple virtual node instances running on individual hosts.


Memcached text protocol

For testing purposes, if you want to access a chord server, run a client instance with either netcat or telnet while running chord instance on another terminal:

$ nc -C localhost 11211
> get a
> set a 0 0 1
> A
> get a
< VALUE a 0 1
< A
> delete a
> get a

Benchmarking on DAS-5

This setup assumes that you have chord and stabilise executables in ${HOME}/opt/bin on DAS-5.

cd ${CHORDDIR}/test-scripts
./ # Only for first time
module load slurm # It may be already included in your .profile or .bashrc file

sbatch -N<das-5 nodes count>
sbatch -N4 # 2 servers for running chord, 2 servers for running benchmarks

You'll get and output like:

Submitted batch job <job-id>
Submitted batch job 01234567

You can watch the status with:

watch -n1 cat slurm-<job-id>.out
watch -n1 cat slurm-01234567.out

You can see the locations of files containing outputs of the benchmarking tools in output.


This project is made by a team of 5 members for "Distributed Systems" course at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Their names in alphabetical order are:

  1. D. Casenove
  2. E. Dudev
  3. J.M. Hohnerlein
  4. R.S. Keskin
  5. S. Kapoor