run the script below to install the program in a consistent way:
sh ops/scripts/
afterwards, if you want dev environment:
pip install --editable .[dev]
This project is also available in pypi
# installing latest version from
pip install s3-pull-processor
Also, there is container image available, check more info and how to use in container mode
# pull latest container image
docker pull
see s3-pull-processor running in k8s/Openshift
export AWS variables
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=**************
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY==**************
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION==**************
export AWS_S3_SECURE_CONNECTION==**************
follow steps from pre-requisite
# generate some fake artifacts for development
sh ops/scripts/
# upload artifact
s3-pull-processor upload --path /home/ecerquei/git/s3-pull-processor/artifacts/artifact-1.tar.gz
# pull artifacts
s3-pull-processor pull
you also can run using containers, follow the instructions at container example
follow steps from pre-requisite
# SQS message tests
pytest -srxv
# S3 bucket tests
pytest -srxv
# E2E
pytest -srxv
# wipe out S3 and SQS, helpful for development
pytest -srxv
see configuring pycharm for debug
HOST A sends messages and HOST B consume messages from SQS
# terminal 1
watch -n 1 "pytest -srxv -k test_send_message"
# terminal 2
watch -n 1 "pytest -srxv -k test_consume_all_messages"
HOST A upload artifact to S3 and sends messages to SQS, HOST B consuming it asynchronously
# terminal 1
watch -n 1 "pytest -srxv -k test_host_producer"
# terminal 2
watch -n 1 "pytest -srxv -k test_host_consumer"
see release doc
before commit any code, run lint, it is required to have dev packages installed
pre-commit run --all