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Elite Dangerous Pilot Network Backend (EDPN Backend)

The Elite Dangerous Pilot Network Backend (EDPN Backend) project provides a REST API that consumes data from the Elite Dangerous Data Network (EDDN) message stream. The data is then processed and stored in a database for use by other applications.

This module in particular will consume the EDDN messages and place them on a Kafka for other EDPN modules to process as needed.

Table of Contents

Technologies Used

The EDPN Backend project is built using the following technologies:

  • Spring Boot: An open-source Java-based framework used to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring applications quickly and easily.
  • Gradle: A build automation tool used to manage dependencies and build Java projects.
  • Kafka: A distributed streaming platform used to build real-time data pipelines and streaming applications.
  • Docker: A platform used to build, ship, and run distributed applications.

Project Structure

The EDPN Backend project consists of several independent projects either in their own repository or contained within the main modular monolithic project:

  • backend-eddn-message-listener: The project used to consume the EDDN message stream. It will consume the messages, split them out per type and send them to a Kafka.
  • backend: modular monolith that contains the other modules and functionality. Each module is independent of the others, except for the overarching boot project that combines and exposes the other modules to teh end users.

Code structure

The project adheres to Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles.

├── main
├── java
│   └── com
│       └── example
│           └── stations
│               ├── application
│               │   ├── controller
│               │   ├── dto
│               │   ├── mapper
│               │   └── usecase
│               ├── configuration
│               ├── domain
│               │   ├── model
│               │   ├── repository
│               │   └── util
│               ├── infrastructure
│               │   ├── adapter
│               │   └── persistence
│               │       ├── entity
│               │       └── repository
│               └──
├── resources
└── ...

Application Layer

The application layer is missing in this project, as it is not needed since we only us zeromq to kafka integration

Configuration Layer

The config layer contains all the Bean configurations and annotations needed to instantiate the beans and bootstrap the Spring boot application

Domain Layer

The domain layer contains some util classes and custom exceptions

Infrastructure Layer

The infrastructure layer contains the following components:

  • kafka: This package contains the topic handler for creating new Kafka topics when needed
  • zmq: This package contains the Message handlers for the ZeroMQ messages


To run the EDPN Backend EDDN Message Listener project, follow these steps:

  1. Install Docker
  2. install Docker-compose
  3. run the following command from the root project folder: docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
    • this command will create a stack which contains a Zookeeper and a Kafka
    • this command will containerize the code via the dockerfile included, and run it in the stack

Local Development

to run the stack for local development, follow these steps:

  1. Install Docker
  2. install Docker-compose
  3. run the following command from the root project folder: docker compose -f docker-compose-localdev.yml up -d. This command will:
    • create a stack which contains a Zookeeper, a Kafka, and a postgres with the needed ports exposed on localhost
  4. You can now run/debug the project main class (io.edpn.backend.eddnmessagelistener.EddnMessageListenerApplication) with spring profile local

keep in mind that the backend application needs to be run separately to process the messages

in short: docker compose up the stack, run both of the projects from IDE

Reporting Issues

To report an issue with the EDPN Backend project or to request a feature, please open an issue on the project's GitHub repository. You can also join the discord and make a suggestion there in ideas section.


How to contribute to the project (and much more) is explained in our charter.


We are using Apache-2.0.


The best way to contact us would be to join our discord and ping the @Admin or @Developer groups