A simple Clojure library wrapper for MailChimp
Add the following to your project.clj's dependencies section:
[climp "0.1.2"]
Import the library:
(use 'climp.core)
You can call any method listed in the MailChimp V1.3 API
(call-mailchimp "listSubscribe" {:id "123" :email_address "[email protected]"})
A few of the methods have nicer clojure wrappers around them. I hope to expand this as we go.
(lists) ; Returns your mailing lists
Subscribe an email address:
(subscribe "123" "[email protected]")
The easiest way to set it up is to set your api key in the MC_API_KEY environment variable or system property.
Alternatively you can create a dynamic binding for mc-api-key.
We also maintain a simple clojure library clj-mandrill for interacting with Mandrill.
Copyright © 2012 PicoMoney Company
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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.