Install Codewind on MacOS or Windows. Prebuilt binary files are available for download on Eclipse.
- Before starting
- Downloading the release binary file for
- Building and deploying locally on MacOS
- Creating a cross-platform binary
- Running the Tests
- Contributing
Ensure that you are logged in to Docker. Type docker login
into a command line window and follow the instructions.
- Download the release binary file to a folder on your system.
- Use the
command to go to the location of the downloaded file in the command line window. - If the binary file has the
extension, remove the extension so that the file is namedcwctl-macos
. - Enter the
chmod +x cwctl-macos
command to give yourself execution permissions for the binary. - If you already have a
with your projects in it, copy it into your/Users/<username>
home directory. If you do not already have a workspace, the CLI creates an empty workspace for you in this directory. - Type
in the command line window to run the CLI. - To run a command, enter
./cwctl-macos <command>
- Download the release binary file to a folder on your system.
- Use the
command to go to the location of the downloaded file in the command line window. - If necessary, remove any file extensions so that the file is named
. - Enter the
chmod +x cwctl-linux
command to give yourself execution permissions for the binary. - If you already have a
with your projects in it, copy the workspace into your$HOME
home directory. If you do not already have a workspace, the CLI creates an empty workspace for you in this directory. - Install
with Install Docker Compose. - To run the CLI, enter
in the command line window. - To run a command, enter
./cwctl-linux <command>
- Download the release binary file to a folder on your system.
- Use the
command to go to the location of the downloaded file in the command prompt. - Ensure that the binary file has an
extension. If it doesn't, add the extension to the file name. - Ensure that your
drive is shared with Docker Desktop for Windows. To check, go to Settings>Shared drives and make sure theC:\
drive check box is selected. - If you already have a
with your projects in it, copy thecodewind-workspace
into yourC:\
directory. If you do not already have a workspace, the CLI creates an empty one for you in this directory. - To get started and see the commands that are available, type the
command in the command prompt. - To run a command, enter
.\cwctl-win.exe <command>
- Ensure that you have a Go environment set up. If you don't yet have a Go environment, see Install Go.
- Create the directory tree expected
- Change to the eclipse directory:
cd ~/go/src/
- Clone the repository by typing
git clone
- Set the environment variable:
export GO111MODULE=on
- Change to the project directory:
cd codewind-installer
- run
go mod tidy
- Change to the cli directory:
cd cmd/cli
- Build the binary and give it a name with the
go build -o <binary-name>
command. To build a binary without the debug symbols, use thego build -ldflags="-s -w" -o <binary-name>
command. - Copy your
into your/Users/<username>/
home directory. - Type
in the command line window to run the CLI. - To run a sub command, enter
./<binary-name> <command>
- Use the
go tool dist list
command to get a list of the possibleGOOS/ARCH
combinations available to build. - Choose the
that you want to build for and then enterGOOS=<OS> GOARCH=<ARCH> go build
to create the binary. To build a binary without the debug symbols, use theGOOS=<OS> GOARCH=<ARCH> go build -ldflags="-s -w"
- Set up your environment by installing bats-core as per the bats-core instructions found at
- Clone the
repository. - Use the
command to go to the top level project directory. - Ensure your system environment is clean by having no Codewind images installed or containers running.
- To run the tests, enter the
bats integration.bats
command in the command line window and wait for the tests to finish.
$ go test ./...
$ go test
$ go test -run ^(TestDetermineProjectInfo)$ # or ^(DetermineProjectInfo)$
$ go test -run ^(TestDetermineProjectInfo)$
To see more details, use go test -v
$ ./ -coverage
This is the same as go test ./...
, but outputs test coverage scores for each function, package, and an overall score.
Command | Alias | Usage |
project | 'Manage Codewind projects' | |
install | in |
'Pull pfe & performance images from dockerhub' |
start | 'Start the Codewind containers' | |
status | 'Print the installation status of Codewind' | |
stop | 'Stop the running Codewind containers' | |
stop-all | 'Stop all of the Codewind and project containers' | |
remove | rm |
'Remove Codewind and Project docker images' |
templates | 'Manage project templates' | |
version | 'Print the versions of Codewind containers, for a given connection' | |
sectoken | st |
'Authenticate with username and password to obtain an access_token' |
secrole | sl |
'Manage realm based ACCESS roles' |
secrealm | sr |
'Manage new or existing REALM configurations' |
secclient | sc |
'Manage new or existing APPLICATION access configurations' |
seckeyring | sk |
'Manage Codewind keys in the desktop keyring' |
secuser | su |
'Manage new or existing USER access configurations' |
connections | con |
'Manage connections configuration list' |
loglevels | log |
'Get or set logging levels for Codewind containers' |
registrysecrets | rs |
'Manage docker registry secrets' |
diagnostics | dg |
'Gathers logs and project files to aid diagnosis of Codewind errors' |
help | h |
'Shows a list of commands or help for one command' |
--url/-u <value>
- URL of project to download
- Downloads a project created from a template, at the given URL
Flags: --url,-u value URL of project to download --path,-p value Path at which to create the new project --conid value Connection ID of PFE that will be used to validate the project (optional) --username value Username for GitHub account authorized to download the provided URL. Takes precedence over git credentials stored in keychain (optional) --password value Password for GitHub account authorized to download the provided URL. Takes precedence over git credentials stored in keychain (optional) --personalAccessToken value PersonalAccessToken authorized to download the provided URL. Takes precedence over git credentials stored in keychain (optional)
- Returns the predicted language and build type for a project, and writes a default .cw-settings to it if one does not already exist
Flags: --path,-p value Project path, on local disk --type,-t value Project build type, if known (not required) --conid value Connection ID of PFE that will be used to validate the project (optional)
- Bind a project to Codewind for building and running
Flags: --name,-n value Project name --language,-l value Project language --type,-t value Project Type --path,-p value Project Path --conid value Connection ID
- Synchronize a bound project to its connection
Flags: --path,-p value Project Path --id,-i value Project ID --time,-t value UNIX timestamp of the last sync for the given project, in milliseconds
- List projects bound to a Codewind deployment
Flags --conid value Connection ID
- Get a single project, requires either the project ID or name
When using a project ID the CLI will automatically detect which connection it relates to
Flags --id value Project ID --name Project name --conid Connection ID
- Restart a project
Flags --id, i Project ID --conid Connection ID --startMode "run" | "debug" | "debugNoInit"
--tag/-t <value>
- Dockerhub image tag (default: "latest")
- Specify terminal output
- Install a remote deployment of Codewind
Flags: --namespace,-n value Kubernetes namespace to install into --session,-ses value Codewind session secret to encrypt session store --ingress,-i value Ingress Domain eg: --kadminuser,-au value Keycloak admin user --kadminpass,-ap value Keycloak admin password --kdevuser,-du value Keycloak developer username --kdevpass,-dp value Keycloak developer username initial password --krealm,-r value Keycloak realm to setup --kclient,-c value Keycloak client to setup --pvcsize,-p value Codewind PVC size (integer between 1 and 999 Gigabytes) --kurl value Don't deploy a new Keycloak pod, use an existing one at this URL --konly Install a deployment of Keycloak only
--tag/-t <value>
- Dockerhub image tag (default: "latest")
- Add debug output
- Specify terminal output
Note: No additional flags
Note: No additional flags
- Gathers logs and project files to aid diagnosis of Codewind errors
Flags: --conid - Triggers diagnostics collection for the remote codewind connection ID (must have currently configured Kubectl connection)
--eclipseWorkspaceDir/-e - The location of your Eclipse workspace directory if using the Eclipse IDE
--intellijLogsDir/-i ` - The location of your IntelliJ logs directory if not using the IntelliJ IDE default location
--all/-a - Collects diagnostics for all defined connections, remote and local
--projects/-p - Collect project containers information
--nozip/-n - Does not create collection zip and leaves individual collected files in place
- Removes the diagnostics directory and all its contents from the Codewind home directory
Note: No additional flags
Note: No additional flags
--tag/-t <value>
- Dockerhub image tag.
Note: Failing to specify a
, will result in an attempt to remove the defaultlatest
tagged Codewind images on the host machine.
- Removes and deletes a Codewind local deployment
Flags: --tag - Docker hub image tag
- Removes and deletes a Codewind remote deployment from Kubernetes
Flags: --namespace - Kubernetes namespace --workspace - Codewind workspace ID
- Removes and deletes a Keycloak deployment from Kubernetes
Flags: --namespace - Kubernetes namespace --workspace - Keycloak workspace ID
Note: No additional flags
- List available templates
- Manage template repositories
- List available template repositories
- Add a new template repository
Flags: --url - URL to template repository index.json --name - Custom name for template repository --description - Custom description for template repository --username - GitHub username (required if accessing the provided URL requires GitHub authentication and you do not provide --personalAccessToken) --password - GitHub password (required if accessing the provided URL requires GitHub authentication and you do not provide --personalAccessToken) --personalAccessToken - GitHub personal access token (required if accessing the provided URL requires GitHub authentication and you do not provide --username and --password)
Flags: --conid value Connection ID (see the connections cmd) --all - Show Container versions for all Codewind connections
- Authenticate and obtain an access_token.
Note 1:: The preferred way to authenticate is by supplying just the connection ID (conid) and username. In this mode the command will use the stored password from the platform keyring Note 2:: If you dont have a connection ID (conid) you must supply use the host, realm and client flags Note 3:: You can use a combination of both the connection ID (conid) and host/realm/client flags. In this mode, the host/realm/client flags take precedence override the connection defaults Note 4:: The password flag is optional when used with the connection ID (conid) flag and when a password already exists in the platform keyring. Including the password flag will update the keychain password after a successful login or add a password to the keychain if one does not exist
Flags: --host value URL or ingress to Keycloak service --realm value Application realm --username value Account Username --password value Account Password --client value Client --conid value Connection ID (see the connections cmd)
- Refresh access_token using cached refresh_token
Refresh tokens are automatically stored in the platform keychain. This command will use the refresh token to obtain a new access token from the authentication service. The access_token can then be used by curl or socket connections when accessing Codewind.
Flags: --conid value Connection ID (see the connections cmd)
- Create a new realm (requires either admin_token or username/password)
Flags: --host value URL or ingress to Keycloak service --newrealm value Application realm to be created --accesstoken value Admin access_token
- Create a new client in an existing Keycloak realm (requires either admin_token or username/password)
--host value URL or ingress to Keycloak service --realm value Application realm where client should be created --newclient value New client ID to create --redirect value Allowed redirect callback URL eg:*
--accesstoken value Admin access_token
- Get client id (requires either admin_token or username/password)
--host value URL or ingress to Keycloak service --realm value Application realm --clientid value Client ID to retrieve --accesstoken value Admin access_token --username value Admin Username --password value Admin Password
- Get client secret (requires either admin_token or username/password)
--host value URL or ingress to Keycloak service --realm value Application realm --clientid value Client ID to retrieve --accesstoken value Admin access_token --username value Admin Username --password value Admin Password
- Add new or update existing Codewind credentials key in keyring
Connection ID (see the connections cmd) --username<value>
Username --password<value>
- Checks if credentials key exist in the keyring
Connection ID (see the connections cmd) --username<value>
- Create a new user in an existing Keycloak realm (requires either admin_token or username/password)
--host value URL or ingress to Keycloak service --realm value Application realm --accesstoken value Admin access_token --username value Admin Username --password value Admin Password --name value Username to add
- Gets an existing Keycloak user from an existing realm (requires either admin_token or username/password)
--host value URL or ingress to Keycloak service --realm value Application realm --accesstoken value Admin access_token --username value Admin Username --password value Admin Password --name value Username to query
- Reset an existing users password (requires either admin_token or username/password)
--host value URL or ingress to Keycloak service --realm value Application realm --accesstoken value Admin access_token --username value Admin Username --password value Admin Password --name value Username to query --newpw value New replacement password
- Adds an existing role to a user (requires either admin_token or username/password)
--host value URL or ingress to Keycloak service --realm value Application realm --accesstoken value Admin access_token --name value Username to target --role value Name of an existing role to add
- Add a new connection to the list
Flags: --label value A displayable name --url value The ingress URL of the PFE instance
- Update an existing connection
Flags: --conid value The Connection ID to update --label value A displayable name --url value The ingress URL of the PFE instance
- Get a connection using its ID
Flags: --conid value The Connection ID to retrieve
- Remove a connection from the list
Flags: --conid value A Connection ID
- List known connections
Note: No additional flags
- Resets the connections list to a single local connection
Note: No additional flags
Flags: --conid value The Connection ID of the remote Codewind installation. Defaults to
Arguments: The log level to set, one of
- List all remote deployments of Codewind
Flags: --namespace value The namespace to check (defaults to all)
- Add a new docker registry secret and return the updated list of secrets
Flags: --conid value Connection ID (see the connections cmd). Defaults to
. --address value The address of the docker registry --username value The username for the docker registry --password value The password for the docker registry --locallogin=[true|false] Whether to perform a local docker login to the registry. Defaults to true.
- List the docker secrets (registries and usernames)
Flags: --conid value Connection ID (see the connections cmd). Defaults to
- Remove a docker registry secret and return the updated list of secrets
Flags: --conid value Connection ID (see the connections cmd). Defaults to
. --address value The address of the docker registry to remove
- Shows a list of commands or help for one command
Submit issues and contributions: