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Use Case: Land cover reclassification

Jon Blower edited this page Dec 6, 2015 · 2 revisions

Implementation: #2


Land cover datasets may be presented with different classification schemes (i.e. mappings of pixels/polygons to land cover classes). The MELODIES portal could include functionality to map a dataset from one classification scheme to another, in the web browser.

Detailed Description

  1. User loads a LC dataset in the MELODIES portal. The "source" classification scheme is displayed as a legend.
  2. User clicks "remap categories".
  3. The mapping scheme could be specified in three ways:
    1. Manual creation
    2. Loading a pre-saved mapping
    3. Automatically generating the mapping based on ontological mappings between the old and new schemes
  4. User clicks "Remap"
  5. The dataset is mapped to the new classification scheme and displayed

Some issues

  • The automatic ontology mapping would be the best demonstration of semantic technologies, but it's not clear how feasible this is.
  • Are there common cases we could pre-load into the portal? (Mapping MELODIES WP3 LC to MODIS LC would be one example.)

What's the "Linked Data" story?

  • The classes should each have a URI that points to their definition (i.e. the classifications themselves are LD datasets).
  • The semantic relationship between classes from different schemes can be used directly to generate mappings.