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Create and format PHP exceptions easily. Automatically unravel method arguments. Ensure that sensitive strings like passwords, tokens, PHPSESSID, etc. are being masked and thus will instead appear as e.g. "******" in the resulting text.


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Eboreum/Exceptional: Create and format PHP exceptions easily

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Create and format PHP exceptions easily. Automatically unravel method arguments. Ensure that sensitive strings like passwords, tokens, PHPSESSID, etc. are being masked and thus will instead appear as e.g. "******" in the resulting text.

When a method is called, and somehow that leads to an exception/throwable being raised, wouldn't it be nice knowing all arguments a method was called with? Exceptional can unravel that for you and present these arguments with their respective names in a concise and meaningful way. Additionally, the integration with Eboreum/Caster ( allows revealing of information about the object within which the exception/error occured. This is sometimes valuable and crucial information, and it is superb for debugging.


"php": "^8.3",
"eboreum/caster": "^2.1"

For more information, see the composer.json file.


Via Composer (

composer install eboreum/exceptional

Via GitHub:

git clone [email protected]:eboreum/exceptional.git


Exception message generation

Example 1: The basics



use Eboreum\Exceptional\ExceptionMessageGenerator;

class Foo377464ece90d4b918254101d596d90a8
     * @throws RuntimeException
    public function bar(int $a, bool $b, ?string $c = null): string
        throw new RuntimeException(ExceptionMessageGenerator::getInstance()->makeFailureInMethodMessage(
            new ReflectionMethod(self::class, __FUNCTION__),

$foo = new Foo377464ece90d4b918254101d596d90a8();

try {
    $foo->bar(42, true);
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;


Failure in \Foo377464ece90d4b918254101d596d90a8->bar($a = (int) 42, $b = (bool) true, $c = (null) null) inside (object) \Foo377464ece90d4b918254101d596d90a8

Notice how each argument is paired with its respective values from the func_get_args() function. The argument $c has even received its default value, which func_get_args() will not return.

Example 2: Providing more arguments than there are named arguments



use Eboreum\Exceptional\ExceptionMessageGenerator;

class Foo1ff07b0e563e4efbb5a5280f7fe412d8
     * @throws RuntimeException
    public function bar(int $a, bool $b): string
        throw new RuntimeException(ExceptionMessageGenerator::getInstance()->makeFailureInMethodMessage(
            new ReflectionMethod(self::class, __FUNCTION__),

$foo = new Foo1ff07b0e563e4efbb5a5280f7fe412d8();

try {
    $foo->bar(42, true, null, 'hello');
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;


Failure in \Foo1ff07b0e563e4efbb5a5280f7fe412d8->bar($a = (int) 42, $b = (bool) true, {2} = (null) null, {3} = (string(5)) "hello") inside (object) \Foo1ff07b0e563e4efbb5a5280f7fe412d8

Notice how $a and $b are named, but the unnamed arguments have received their respective indexes, {2} and {3}.

Example 3: A constant as default value



use Eboreum\Exceptional\ExceptionMessageGenerator;

class Fooaea91664ed3d4467aeb2dfabb2623b53
    public const SOME_PARENT_CONSTANT = 42;

class Fooc261bae9da674d679de77a943ae57779 extends Fooaea91664ed3d4467aeb2dfabb2623b53
    public const SOME_CONSTANT = 3.14;

     * @throws RuntimeException
    public function bar(
        float $a = self::SOME_CONSTANT,
        int $b = self::SOME_PARENT_CONSTANT,
        int $c = PHP_INT_MAX
    ): void {
        throw new RuntimeException(ExceptionMessageGenerator::getInstance()->makeFailureInMethodMessage(
            new ReflectionMethod(self::class, __FUNCTION__),

$foo = new Fooc261bae9da674d679de77a943ae57779();

try {
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;


Failure in \Fooc261bae9da674d679de77a943ae57779->bar($a = (float) 3.14, $b = (int) 42, $c = (int) 9223372036854775807) inside (object) \Fooc261bae9da674d679de77a943ae57779

Argument $a has received its default value from the class constant Fooc261bae9da674d679de77a943ae57779::SOME_CONSTANT, $b has received its default value from the class constant Fooaea91664ed3d4467aeb2dfabb2623b53::SOME_PARENT_CONSTANT, and $c has received its default value from the global constant GLOBAL_CONSTANT_25b105757d32443188cca9c7646ccfe6.

Example 4: Static method call



use Eboreum\Exceptional\ExceptionMessageGenerator;

class Foo1a7c13d6ce9f4646a120041e36717d5a
     * @throws RuntimeException
    public static function bar(int $a): string
        throw new RuntimeException(ExceptionMessageGenerator::getInstance()->makeFailureInMethodMessage(
            new ReflectionMethod(self::class, __FUNCTION__),

try {
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;


Failure in \Foo1a7c13d6ce9f4646a120041e36717d5a::bar($a = (int) 42) inside (class) \Foo1a7c13d6ce9f4646a120041e36717d5a

Notice how instead of $this, static::class is used.

Example 5: Making object descriptions verbose using caster

Wouldn't it be nice if we, in addition to the method argument snitching, could get additional information about the object within which the method failed? We can do just that using the Eboreum\Caster\Caster integration.



use Eboreum\Caster\Attribute\DebugIdentifier;
use Eboreum\Caster\Collection\Formatter\ObjectFormatterCollection;
use Eboreum\Caster\Contract\CasterInterface;
use Eboreum\Caster\Contract\DebugIdentifierAttributeInterface;
use Eboreum\Caster\Contract\Formatter\ObjectFormatterInterface;
use Eboreum\Caster\Contract\TextuallyIdentifiableInterface;
use Eboreum\Caster\Formatter\Object_\DebugIdentifierAttributeInterfaceFormatter;
use Eboreum\Caster\Formatter\Object_\TextuallyIdentifiableInterfaceFormatter;
use Eboreum\Exceptional\Caster;
use Eboreum\Exceptional\ExceptionMessageGenerator;

// Using TextuallyIdentifiableInterface

class Foo1990801ff8324df1b73e323d7fca71a8 implements TextuallyIdentifiableInterface
    protected int $id = 42;

     * @throws RuntimeException
    public function bar(int $a): string
        /** @var array<ObjectFormatterInterface> $formatters */
        $formatters = [new TextuallyIdentifiableInterfaceFormatter()];

        $caster = Caster::getInstance();
        $caster = $caster->withCustomObjectFormatterCollection(new ObjectFormatterCollection($formatters));

        $exceptionMessageGenerator = ExceptionMessageGenerator::getInstance()->withCaster($caster);

        throw new RuntimeException($exceptionMessageGenerator->makeFailureInMethodMessage(
            new ReflectionMethod(self::class, __FUNCTION__),

    public function toTextualIdentifier(CasterInterface $caster): string
        return sprintf(
            'My ID is: %d',

$foo = new Foo1990801ff8324df1b73e323d7fca71a8();

try {
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

 * Using DebugIdentifierAttributeInterface

class Foo31eda25b57e8456fb2b3e8158232b5e5 implements DebugIdentifierAttributeInterface
    protected int $id = 42;

     * @throws RuntimeException
    public function bar(int $a): string
        /** @var array<ObjectFormatterInterface> $formatters */
        $formatters = [new DebugIdentifierAttributeInterfaceFormatter()];

        $caster = Caster::getInstance();
        $caster = $caster->withCustomObjectFormatterCollection(new ObjectFormatterCollection($formatters));

        $exceptionMessageGenerator = ExceptionMessageGenerator::getInstance()->withCaster($caster);

        throw new RuntimeException($exceptionMessageGenerator->makeFailureInMethodMessage(
            new ReflectionMethod(self::class, __FUNCTION__),

$foo = new Foo31eda25b57e8456fb2b3e8158232b5e5();

try {
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;


Failure in \Foo1990801ff8324df1b73e323d7fca71a8->bar($a = (int) 7) inside (object) \Foo1990801ff8324df1b73e323d7fca71a8: My ID is: 42
Failure in \Foo31eda25b57e8456fb2b3e8158232b5e5->bar($a = (int) 7) inside (object) \Foo31eda25b57e8456fb2b3e8158232b5e5 {$id = (int) 42}

Notice how we now get useful information from the above object, its ID being 42 (and argument $a is 7).

You must use $this as the argument in the makeFailureInMethodMessage call (and not static::class) for the above to work.

Exception formatters

Example 1: Default formatter

Class: Eboreum\Exceptional\Formatting\DefaultFormatter

A plain text formatter. Contains line breaks and indentation.


use Eboreum\Exceptional\Caster;
use Eboreum\Exceptional\Formatting\DefaultFormatter;

$caster = Caster::getInstance();
$defaultFormatter = new DefaultFormatter($caster);

$throwable = new Exception('foo');

$result = $defaultFormatter->format($throwable);

echo $result;


File: /some/file/path/script/misc/readme/formatter/example-1-defaultformatter.php
Line: 14
Code: 0\nStacktrace:\n    #0 /path/to/some/file.php:34: fake_function()\nPrevious: (None)

Example 2: HTML5 <table> formatter

Class: Eboreum\Exceptional\Formatting\HTML5TableFormatter

Formats the throwable as HTML5 <table>.


use Eboreum\Caster\CharacterEncoding;
use Eboreum\Exceptional\Caster;
use Eboreum\Exceptional\Formatting\HTML5TableFormatter;

$caster = Caster::getInstance();
$characterEncoding = new CharacterEncoding('UTF-8');
$html5TableFormatter = new HTML5TableFormatter($caster, $characterEncoding);
$html5TableFormatter = $html5TableFormatter->withIsPrettyPrinting(true);

$throwable = new Exception('foo');

$result = $html5TableFormatter->format($throwable);

echo $result;


      <td colspan="2">
        <pre>#0 /path/to/some/file.php:34: fake_function()</pre>

Example 3: JSON formatter

Class: Eboreum\Exceptional\Formatting\JSONFormatter

Formats the throwable as JSON.


use Eboreum\Caster\CharacterEncoding;
use Eboreum\Exceptional\Caster;
use Eboreum\Exceptional\Formatting\JSONFormatter;

$caster = Caster::getInstance();
$characterEncoding = new CharacterEncoding('UTF-8');
$jsonFormatter = new JSONFormatter($caster, $characterEncoding);
$jsonFormatter = $jsonFormatter->withFlags(JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

$throwable = new Exception('foo');

$result = $jsonFormatter->format($throwable);

echo $result;


    "class": "\\Exception",
    "file": "\/some\/file\/path\/script\/misc\/readme\/formatter\/example-3-jsonformatter.php",
    "line": "17",
    "code": "0",
    "message": "foo",
    "stacktrace": "#0 \/path\/to\/some\/file.php:34: fake_function()"
    "previous": null

Example 4: Oneline formatter

Class: Eboreum\Exceptional\Formatting\OnelineFormatter

Formats the throwable as string with all its contents on a single line. Great for (improved) output in error logs, which do not allow line breaks.


use Eboreum\Exceptional\Caster;
use Eboreum\Exceptional\Formatting\OnelineFormatter;

$caster = Caster::getInstance();
$onelineFormatter = new OnelineFormatter($caster);

$throwable = new Exception('foo');

$result = $onelineFormatter->format($throwable);

echo $result;


\Exception. Message: foo. File: /some/file/path/script/misc/readme/formatter/example-4-onelineformatter.php. Line: 14. Code: 0. Stacktrace: #0 /path/to/some/file.php:34: fake_function(). Previous: (None)

Example 5: XML formatter

Class: Eboreum\Exceptional\Formatting\XMLFormatter

Formats the throwable as XML.


use Eboreum\Caster\CharacterEncoding;
use Eboreum\Exceptional\Caster;
use Eboreum\Exceptional\Formatting\XMLFormatter;

$caster = Caster::getInstance();
$characterEncoding = new CharacterEncoding('UTF-8');
$xmlFormatter = new XMLFormatter($caster, $characterEncoding);
$xmlFormatter = $xmlFormatter->withIsPrettyPrinting(true);

$throwable = new Exception('foo');

$result = $xmlFormatter->format($throwable);

echo $result;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <stacktrace>#0 /path/to/some/file.php:34: fake_function()</stacktrace>

Test/development requirements

"eboreum/phpunit-with-consecutive-alternative": "^1.0",
"nette/neon": "^3.2",
"phpstan/phpstan": "^2.1.5",
"phpunit/phpunit": "^11.3",
"sebastian/diff": "^6.0",
"slevomat/coding-standard": "8.15.0",
"squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "3.10.2"

Running tests

For all unit tests, first follow these steps:

cd tests
php ../vendor/bin/phpunit

License & Disclaimer

See LICENSE file. Basically: Use this library at your own risk.


We prefer that you create a ticket and or a pull request at, and have a discussion about a feature or bug here.

Branch rules

main = 2.x (not a tag)

Previous branches:




Create and format PHP exceptions easily. Automatically unravel method arguments. Ensure that sensitive strings like passwords, tokens, PHPSESSID, etc. are being masked and thus will instead appear as e.g. "******" in the resulting text.







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