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SQGM: Optimising Quantum Circuit Depth in Qubit Mapping

This repository provides the source code and reproducible experiments presented in Single-Qubit Gates Matter for Optimising Quantum Circuit Depth in Qubit Mapping by Sanjiang Li, Ky Dan Nguyen, Zachary Clare, and Yuan Feng, which was accepted to ICCAD '23.

For enquiries, contact [email protected] (Sanjiang Li) or [email protected] (Ky Dan Nguyen).


Most existing quantum circuit transformation (QCT, or qubit mapping) algorithms prioritise minimising circuit size, potentially overlooking the impact of single-qubit gates on circuit depth. In the past several years, we have seen the size of quantum computer increases from 5 to 433 qubits, but qubit coherence time in NISQ devices remains very short. This implies that we can only run a very limited number of quantum operations on each qubit; in other words, we cannot extract meaningful information from very deep quantum circuits on NISQ devices. Thus, minimising the depth of transformed circuits is perhaps a more important objective.

SQGM (Single-Qubit Gates Matter) promises a simple and effective method that takes into account the impact of single-qubit gates on circuit depth. Our method can be integrated with existing QCT algorithms. In this source code, we demonstrate the effectiveness of SQGM by embedding it in Qiskit's SabreSwap module, which is an implementation of the state-of-the-art SABRE (SWAP-based Bidirectional Heuristic Search Algorithm).


SQGM uses modules from the Qiskit libraries, in particular, Qiskit Terra. Information on installing Qiskit can be found here. The version used for experiments was 0.39.4, the latest version at the time. In addition, the NetworkX library is used to construct architecture graphs. Information on installing Networkx can be found here.

Architecture graphs

All experiments conducted used architecture graphs of the following quantum devices as target backends:

  • ourense: IBM Q Ourense (5 qubits),
  • tokyo: IBM Q Tokyo (20 qubits),
  • rochester: IBM Q Rochester (53 qubits),
  • sycamore53, sycamore54: Google Sycamore (53 and 54 qubits).

Note that Google Sycamore was originally designed with 54 qubits, but ended up with 1 bad qubit; both the designed and actual versions were used in the experiments. Architecture graphs were modelled using NetworkX, and can be found in A visualisation of these graphs can be found in display.ipynb.

Mappers and routers

All experiments conducted used Qiskit 0.39.4's SabreLayout module is used to generate initial mappings. Nonetheless, /mapper provides the Qiskit 0.33.0's SabreLayout module for reference and use, if needed.

The source code for SQGMSwap (written on top of SabreSwap) as well as Qiskit 0.33.0's SabreSwap module are provided in /router. The experiments also used Qiskit 0.39.4's SabreSwap module and NASSCSwap module, the original implementation of the NASSC (Not All SWAPs Have the Same Cost), retrieved from the author's repository solely for experimental purposes. TOQM (Time-Optimal Qubit Mapping) was also used for comparisons; its source code (written in C++) is available in the author's repository.


All benchmarks used in experiments are provided in /benchmark. Contained in the directory are selected circuits from QUEKO, QUEKNO, and MQT Bench. In addition, /example_4q contains the original circuit, and initial mapping, of the running example in the paper (refer to Fig. 1).


Original experiment results are archived in /sqgm_data. Within the directory:

  • /example_4q-out provides the output transformed circuits of the original example_4q circuit found in /benchmark.
  • /mqtbench-init provides the initial mappings of each of the MQT Bench circuits found in /benchmark.
  • /exps provides the results of the original experiments.
  • sqgm-data.xlsx provides a summary of all results presented in the paper.

Details of the original experiments, in JSON format, can be found in /exp-in. This includes the validity test of the running example example_4q, whose result is provided in display.ipynb.

Experiment configurations

All of the original experiments can be reproduced via their respective JSON configuration files in /exp-in. Each file contains the following information:

Field Description
bench_path File path to the benchmarks to be used as input circuits.
bench_filter Filter for specific circuit within the benchmark specified by bench_path. Only circuits containing bench_filter in their names are run.
qasm_path File path to the directory where the exported output circuit QASM files are exported.
csv_path File path to the CSV file in which numerical results are exported.
ag Architecture graph of the target backend.
reps Number of reps.
objective Indicate whether depth (transformed circuit depth) or size (number of 2-qubit gates in the transformed circuit) should be optimised.
mode Indicate whether to record the best result, or all results amongst the specified number of reps.
rep_splits Rep numbers to be reported in the exported CSV file. Each split corresponds to a column in the CSV, which reports the best result up to that split. This field is only relevant for all mode.
base_routers Routers (amongst those provided by /router) to be run.
heuristics Heuristics to be used.
inc_cc Indicate whether or not to include, on top of each base router, an augmented router with Qiskit's commutative gate cancellation pass during post-routing optimisations. This field is only relevant when some router other than NASSC is included in base_routers (since NASSCSwap includes this pass by default).
inc_naive_h Indicate whether or not to include, on top of the original SQGM, a variation where SABRE's original $H_\textsf{decay}$ is used instead of SQGM's enhanced $H_\textsf{sqgm}$ when selecting SWAPs. This field is only relevant when SQGM is included in base_routers.
exp_qasm Indicate whether or not to export the output circuit QASM files. Note that if a QASM file of the same name exists, it will be overwritten.
exp_csv Indicate whether or not to export numerical results to the CSV file. Note that if a CSV of the same name exists, it will be overwritten.

Running an experiment

To run an experiment, simply run and supply the path to the respective JSON configuration file as a command line argument. Additionally, a --verbose, or its shorthand -v, can be included to toggle the display of detailed information on each rep. For example, to run exp1 in verbose mode:

$ python ./exp-in/exp1.json --verbose

For experiments using a pre-defined initial mapping, i.e., skipping initial mapping generation with SabreLayout, the initial mapping (in QASM format) can be supplied as an additional command line argument, immediately following the JSON configuration file path. For example, to run the validity test of example_4q with example_4q-init as the initial mapping:

$ python ./example_4q.json ./benchmark/example_4q/example_4q-init.qasm

Note that the QASM file of the initial mapping must represent the circuit of the target backend with the logical circuit mapped onto it, i.e., the qubits defined in the file are those of the quantum device, not the logical circuit. See display.ipynb for a visualisation of example_4q-init as an example.

Customising and defining an experiment

It is simple to customise, or define a new, experiment: simply edit the respective, or create a new, JSON configuration file as appropriate. Note that:

  • bench_path and qasm_path must be suffixed with /.
  • If bench_filter is left blank, i.e., "", all circuits in bench_path will be run.
  • The value of ag must be one of the keys of ARCHGRAPHS, found in
  • reps must be a non-zero positive integer.
  • If rep_splits is left empty in all mode, there will be a column for every rep number in the exported CSV file.
  • Each value in base_routers must be one of the keys of ROUTERS, found in

An empty JSON configuration file exp_template.json has been provided, and may be used to define new experiments.

Adding an architecture graph and router

It is possible to add new architecture graphs and routers to be used for new experiments.

To add a new architecture graph, define a new function in which constructs and returns a Graph object (from NetworkX). Next, in, add a new key-value pair for ARCHGRAPHS, where key is the name and value is a call to the function. Then, experiments can be conducted with the new architecture graph by specifying its key in the ag field of the respective JSON configuration file.

To add a new router, add the source code of that router in /router. Note that the router must be compatible in nature with Qiskit's SabreSwap, i.e., its constructor must have have at least the following parameters:

  • coupling_map (CouplingMap);
  • heuristics (str), which must be either basic, lookahead, or decay;
  • seed (int); and
  • fake_run (bool).

Next, in, import the router's module and add a new key-value pair for ROUTERS, where key is the name and value is the relevant module. Then, experiments can be conducted with the new router by including its key in the base_routers field of the respective JSON configuration file.


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