Made in Wichita website
* Visitors can search for products made in Wichita. * Visitors can search for vendors who sell Wichita-made products. * Visitors can search for artists who produce Wichita-made products. * Vendors can create profiles of themselves * Vendors can add new products that they sell. * Vendors can associate existing products with their businesses. * Artists can create profiles of themselves. * Artists can add new products that they create. * Artists can associaate existing products with themselves. * Admins can create vendor profiles, artist profiles and products.
Database Tables
Vendors -belong to users -have many products through contracts Name Description Location Hours Website Phone number Facebook Twitter Owner name
Artists -belong to users -have many products Name Description Email
Products -belong to many vendors through contracts -belong to one artist Name Description Price Category
Categories -have many products Name Description
Products_Vendors Vendor ID Product ID