Clone project using SSH key:
git clone [email protected]:eaudeweb/scratch.git
Copy docker example files:
cd scratch/ cp docker-compose.override.yml.example docker-compose.override.yml cp docker/app.env.example docker/app.env cp docker/db.env.example docker/db.env cp docker/redis.env.example docker/redis.env cp docker/tika.env.example docker/tika.env cp docker/cachet.env.example docker/cachet.env
- LDAP variables in
must be configured manually. - If you're on macOS, you might need to customze docker-compose.override to use the
image in elasticsearch services.
docker-compose up -d
- LDAP variables in
Verify if the containers were created:
docker-compose ps
Go into application container:
docker compose exec web sh
Run migrations:
python manage.py migrate
Load CPV codes, TED Countries and UNSPSC codes to the database:
python manage.py load_initial_data
NOTE: Run the command with
flag to delete the data added by the command -
Run server:
python manage.py runserver
If you want to use NGINX to serve the project you need to do the following:
Comment the web service the ports in docker-compose.yml
- 8000:8000
Create docker-compose.override.yml from docker-compose.override.yml.nginx.example
cp docker-compose.override.yml.nginx.example docker-compose.override.yml
Create the stack and start it:
docker-compose up
You can run the test suite as follows:
python manage.py test --settings=scratch.test_settings
If you need to debug ElasticSearch during development, you can connect to the web client at http://localhost:1358/?appname=%2A&url=http://localhost:9200/
Bootstrap checks failed: When starting the Elasticsearch container, this error may ocurr. The following command should fix it.
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
TenderDocument objects have no actual file associated: Due to a failed request to download a tender document, TenderDocument objects without an actual document may be created and saved in the db. After the cause of the request failure is resolved, you can fix the incomplete objects already saved in the db by running the following command, which will download the documents for the instances where they are missing:
python manage.py add_documents
- add_award: Adds Contract Awards for expired UNGM tenders
- deadline_notifications: Sends e-mails with favourite tenders that have deadline in DEADLINE_NOTIFICATIONS days
- delete_expired_tenders: Deletes tenders from archive with deadline passed since DELETE_EXPIRED_DAYS days ago or more
- notify: Sends an e-mail for every new tender or winner(default) or an e-mail with all new tenders and winners(digest parameter specified);
- notify_favourites: Sends e-mails for favourites tenders, according to digest parameter described previously
- notify_keywords: Sends e-mails for tenders with keywords, according to digest parameter described previously
- remove_unnecessary_newlines: Removes newlines Vendors' names
- update_ted: Add new TED tenders, according to days_ago parameter or beginning with latest published date from database, if not specified
- update_ungm: Add new UNGM tenders, according to days_ago parameter or beginning with latest published date from database, if not specified