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A simple messaging system inspired by Kafka.


To build both the cli and the server you can just run cargo build --release.

Integration tests

The integration tests are written in python with pytest. You can install the dependencies with pip: pip install -r tests/requirements.txt. The tests use protobuf for a few scenarios, so you need the protobuf compiler, you can generated the necessary files running this command:

protoc -I=tests/proto --python_out=tests tests/proto/addressbook.proto

And to execute all tests you can run:

pytest tests

If you don't want to install protoc you can run the tests with the local docker image, this image is used simply to run this tests in an isolated environment.

docker buildx build .


To interact with the server you can use the rog cli.

Usage: rog-cli --address <ADDRESS> <COMMAND>

  help        Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -a, --address <ADDRESS>  Rog server address on the format ip:port, e.g.:
  -h, --help               Print help

Protocol specification

The Rog protocol is implemented with TCP. In all commands the first byte is the command byte, this is used to identify which command is being sent. There are two client implementations in this repository: one in rust, for the cli and one in python used in the integration tests.


Create log

Field Type Description
Command byte u8 Fixed value for the create log command, 0
partitions u8 Number of partitions for the log
Log name size u8 Size of the log name in bytes
Log name String Log name
Successful response
Field Type Description
Success byte u8 Indicates if the response was successful or not, 0


Field Type Description
Command byte u8 Fixed value for the publish command, 1
partition u8 Partitions to publish the message
Log name size u8 Size of the log name in bytes
Log name String Log name
Data size u64 Size of the message in bytes
Data bytes The actual content of the message
Successful response
Field Type Description
Success byte u8 Indicates if the response was successful or not, 0


Field Type Description
Command byte u8 Fixed value for the fetch command, 2
partition u8 Partition to fetch the message
Log name size u8 Size of the log name in bytes
Log name String Log name
Group size u64 Size of the group name
Group bytes The group name
Successful response
Field Type Description
Success byte u8 Indicates if the response was successful or not, 0
Message size u64 Size of the message content
Message String Actual message


Field Type Description
Command byte u8 Fixed value for the ack command, 3
partition u8 Partition to fetch the message
Log name size u8 Size of the log name in bytes
Log name String Log name
Group size u64 Size of the group name
Group bytes The group name
Successful response
Field Type Description
Success byte u8 Indicates if the response was successful or not, 0

Error response

All commands have the same possible error response.

Field Type Description
Success byte u8 Indicates if the response was successful or not, 1
Message size u64 Size of the error message
Message String Detailed error message


Rog keeps the messages stored in multiple log files, each file has an approximate max size of 1MiB. When a log is created, Rog creates a directory with name log name and one directory for each partition, the log files are kept inside the partition directory with the extension .log.

Log file format

The file follows a simple structure so that it is easily seekeable so that the fetching process doesn't need to load the whole file into memory. Each message is stored as an "entry" on the file.

Field Size Description
id 8 bytes The message id
entry size 8 bytes The size of the entry content in bytes
entry entry size bytes The entry content