Framework for running and benchmarking game AIs such as AlphaZero, AlphaGo and more.
Building the project requires boost libraries.
aithena/ $ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev # Install dependencies
aithena/ $ mkdir build/ && cd build/
aithena/build/ $ cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path_to_libtorch> .. # Generate build files
aithena/build/ $ make # Build executable
aithena/build/ $ ./aithena-az # Run program
Also for building tests, see Test.
Aithena uses googletest for testing. To build the tests, the googletest github repository must be placed under extern/googletest.
aithena/ $ mkdir extern/ && cd extern/
aithena/extern/ $ git clone
aithena/extern/ $ mkdir ../build/ && cd ../build/
aithena/build/ $ cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path_to_libtorch> ..
aithena/build/ $ ARGS=<gtest_args> make test
- Do not use boards larger than 26x26