This project is an emulator for several AWS services, à la Localstack. README in progress!
Currently supported services (see below for full support details):
- DynamoDB - highly experimental, only enough for Kinesis Client Library to work. Not recommended to use!
- Kinesis
- S3
Aws-in-a-box runs on HTTP (not HTTPS) but supports HTTP2 upgrade with h2c (HTTP without TLS).
- High-performance; no overhead from docker or proxies
- Single statically-linked 7MB native binary. No interpereter/runtime hell. (There are also 3MB compressed docker images if you prefer)
- Simple persistence scheme using atomic file writes. When using the native binary, no more broken persistent docker volumes
The easiest way to consume this project is from pre-built artifacts on the release page or the docker image. You can also build from source with either go native tooling or with Bazel, see Development section.
-addr string
Address to run on (default "localhost:4569")
If set, will apply the SO_REUSEPORT socket option on Darwin/Linux platforms.
Enable KMS service (default true)
Enable Kinesis service (default true)
Enable SQS service (default true)
Enable S3 service (default true)
Enable DynamoDB service (default true)
-kinesisDefaultDuration duration
How long to retain messages. Can be used to control memory usage. After creation, retention can be adjusted with [Increase/Decrease]StreamRetentionPeriod (default 24h0m0s)
-kinesisInitialShardsPerStream int
How many shards to create for each stream listed in -kinesisInitialStreams (default 2)
-kinesisInitialStreams string
Streams to create at startup. Example: stream1,stream2,stream3
-kinesisStreamCreateDuration duration
How long a new Kinesis stream stays in CREATING status (default 5s)
-kinesisStreamDeleteDuration duration
How long a deleted Kinesis stream stays in DELETING status (default 5s)
-logLevel string
debug/info/warn/error (default "debug")
-persistDir string
Directory to persist data to. If empty, data is not persisted.
-s3InitialBuckets string
Buckets to create at startup. Example: bucket1,bucket2,bucket3
You can use either native go tooling or Bazel.
go run .
bazel run //:aws-in-a-box
go test ./...
bazel test //...
Most of Kinesis is implemented, including the Consumer APIS. Remaining work:
- KMS integration not wired up
- A few List/Describe APIs are missing
- Shard split/merge
There is no persistence for Kinesis data.
Click to expand the detailed support table
API | Support Status | Caveats/Notes |
AddTagsToStream | ✅ Supported | |
CreateStream | ✅ Supported | |
DecreaseStreamRetentionPeriod | ✅ Supported | |
DeleteStream | ✅ Supported | |
DeregisterStreamConsumer | ✅ Supported | |
DescribeLimits | ❌ Unsupported | |
DescribeStream | ❌ Unsupported | This API is discouraged by AWS |
DescribeStreamConsumer | ✅ Supported | |
DescribeStreamSummary | ✅ Supported | |
DisableEnhancedMonitoring | ❌ Unsupported | Cloudwatch not implemented |
EnableEnhancedMonitoring | ❌ Unsupported | Cloudwatch not implemented |
GetRecords | ✅ Supported | |
GetShardIterator | ✅ Supported | |
IncreaseStreamRetentionPeriod | ✅ Supported | |
ListShards | ✅ Supported | |
ListStreamConsumers | ❌ Unsupported | |
ListStreams | ✅ Supported | |
ListTagsForStream | ✅ Supported | |
MergeShards | ❌ Unsupported | No support for merging/splitting yet. |
PutRecord | ✅ Supported | |
PutRecords | ✅ Supported | |
RegisterStreamConsumer | ✅ Supported | |
RemoveTagsFromStream | ✅ Supported | |
SplitShard | ❌ Unsupported | No support for merging/splitting yet. |
StartStreamEncryption | ❌ Unsupported | |
StopStreamEncryption | ❌ Unsupported | |
SubscribeToStream | ✅ Supported | |
UpdateShardCount | ❌ Unsupported | No support for merging/splitting yet. |
UpdateStreamMode | ❌ Unsupported |
Most of KMS is implemented. Remaining work:
- Key deletion/key rotation is missing
- Grants are missing
- Key policies are missing
KMS data is fully persisted.
Click to expand the detailed support table
API | Support Status | Caveats/Notes |
CancelKeyDeletion | ❌ Unsupported | |
ConnectCustomKeyStore | ❌ Unsupported | |
CreateAlias | ✅ Supported | |
CreateCustomKeyStore | ❌ Unsupported | |
CreateGrant | ❌ Unsupported | |
CreateKey | ✅ Supported | ECC_SECG_P256K1 and SM2 not supported |
Decrypt | ✅ Supported | |
DeleteAlias | ✅ Supported | |
DeleteCustomKeyStore | ❌ Unsupported | |
DeleteImportedKeyMaterial | ❌ Unsupported | |
DescribeCustomKeyStores | ❌ Unsupported | |
DescribeKey | ✅ Supported | Lots of metadata properties missing |
DisableKey | ✅ Supported | |
DisableKeyRotation | ❌ Unsupported | |
DisconnectCustomKeyStore | ❌ Unsupported | |
EnableKey | ✅ Supported | |
EnableKeyRotation | ❌ Unsupported | |
Encrypt | ✅ Supported | |
GenerateDataKey | ✅ Supported | |
GenerateDataKeyPair | ✅ Supported | ECC_SECG_P256K1 not supported |
GenerateDataKeyPairWithoutPlaintext | ✅ Supported | ECC_SECG_P256K1 not supported |
GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext | ✅ Supported | |
GenerateMac | ✅ Supported | |
GenerateRandom | ✅ Supported | |
GetKeyPolicy | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetKeyRotationStatus | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetParametersForImport | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetPublicKey | ❌ Unsupported | |
ImportKeyMaterial | ❌ Unsupported | |
ListAliases | ✅ Supported | |
ListGrants | ❌ Unsupported | |
ListKeyPolicies | ❌ Unsupported | |
ListKeys | ✅ Supported | |
ListResourceTags | ✅ Supported | |
ListRetirableGrants | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutKeyPolicy | ❌ Unsupported | |
ReEncrypt | ✅ Supported | |
ReplicateKey | ❌ Unsupported | |
RetireGrant | ❌ Unsupported | |
RevokeGrant | ❌ Unsupported | |
ScheduleKeyDeletion | ❌ Unsupported | |
Sign | ✅ Supported | |
TagResource | ✅ Supported | |
UntagResource | ✅ Supported | |
UpdateAlias | ✅ Supported | |
UpdateCustomKeyStore | ❌ Unsupported | |
UntagResource | ✅ Supported | |
UpdateKeyDescription | ✅ Supported | |
UpdatePrimaryRegion | ❌ Unsupported | |
Verify | ✅ Supported | |
VerifyMac | ✅ Supported |
Most common operations of S3 are implemented. Remaining work:
- Versioning
- A bunch of metadata/usage APIs
- Policy/ACL is missing
S3 blocks are persisted, but metadata is not. This will be fixed in the future.
Click to expand the detailed support table
API | Support Status | Caveats/Notes |
AbortMultipartUpload | ✅ Supported | |
CompleteMultipartUpload | ✅ Supported | |
CopyObject | ✅ Supported | |
CreateBucket | ✅ Supported | |
CreateMultipartUpload | ✅ Supported | |
DeleteBucket | ✅ Supported | |
DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
DeleteBucketCors | ❌ Unsupported | |
DeleteBucketEncryption | ❌ Unsupported | |
DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
DeleteBucketInventoryConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
DeleteBucketLifecycle | ❌ Unsupported | |
DeleteBucketMetricsConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
DeleteBucketOwnershipControls | ❌ Unsupported | |
DeleteBucketPolicy | ❌ Unsupported | |
DeleteBucketReplication | ❌ Unsupported | |
DeleteBucketTagging | ✅ Supported | |
DeleteBucketWebsite | ❌ Unsupported | |
DeleteObject | ✅ Supported | |
DeleteObjects | ✅ Supported | |
DeleteObjectTagging | ✅ Supported | |
DeletePublicAccessBlock | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketAccelerateConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketAcl | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketAnalyticsConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketCors | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketEncryption | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketInventoryConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketLifecycle | ❌ Unsupported | Discouraged by AWS |
GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketLocation | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketLogging | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketMetricsConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketNotification | ❌ Unsupported | Discouraged by AWS. no longer used |
GetBucketNotificationConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketOwnershipControls | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketPolicy | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketPolicyStatus | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketReplication | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketRequestPayment | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketTagging | ✅ Supported | |
GetBucketVersioning | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetBucketWebsite | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetObject | ✅ Supported | |
GetObjectAcl | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetObjectAttributes | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetObjectLegalHold | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetObjectLockConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetObjectRetention | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetObjectTagging | ✅ Supported | |
GetObjectTorrent | ❌ Unsupported | |
GetPublicAccessBlock | ❌ Unsupported | |
HeadBucket | ✅ Supported | |
HeadObject | ✅ Supported | |
ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurations | ❌ Unsupported | |
ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurations | ❌ Unsupported | |
ListBucketInventoryConfigurations | ❌ Unsupported | |
ListBucketMetricsConfigurations | ❌ Unsupported | |
ListBuckets | ✅ Supported | |
ListMultipartUploads | ❌ Unsupported | implement me! |
ListObjects | ❌ Unsupported | implement me! |
ListObjectsV2 | ✅ Supported | |
ListObjectVersions | ❌ Unsupported | |
ListParts | ✅ Supported | |
PutBucketAccelerateConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutBucketAcl | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutBucketAnalyticsConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutBucketCors | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutBucketEncryption | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutBucketInventoryConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutBucketLifecycle | ❌ Unsupported | Deprecated |
PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutBucketLogging | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutBucketMetricsConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutBucketNotification | ❌ Unsupported | No longer used |
PutBucketNotificationConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutBucketOwnershipControls | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutBucketPolicy | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutBucketReplication | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutBucketRequestPayment | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutBucketTagging | ✅ Supported | |
PutBucketVersioning | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutBucketWebsite | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutObject | ✅ Supported | |
PutObjectAcl | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutObjectLegalHold | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutObjectLockConfiguration | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutObjectRetention | ❌ Unsupported | |
PutObjectTagging | ✅ Supported | |
PutPublicAccessBlock | ❌ Unsupported | |
RestoreObject | ❌ Unsupported | |
SelectObjectContent | ❌ Unsupported | |
UploadPart | ✅ Supported | |
UploadPartCopy | ❌ Unsupported | |
WriteGetObjectResponse | ❌ Unsupported |
SQS support is in in-progress.
Click to expand the detailed support table
API | Support Status | Caveats/Notes |
AddPermission | ❌ Unsupported | |
CancelMessageMoveTask | ❌ Unsupported | |
ChangeMessageVisibility | ✅ Supported | |
ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch | ✅ Supported | |
CreateQueue | ✅ Supported | |
DeleteMessage | ✅ Supported | |
DeleteMessageBatch | ✅ Supported | |
DeleteQueue | ✅ Supported | |
GetQueueAttributes | ✅ Supported | |
GetQueueUrl | ✅ Supported | |
ListDeadLetterSourceQueues | ❌ Unsupported | |
ListMessageMoveTasks | ❌ Unsupported | |
ListQueues | ✅ Supported | |
ListQueueTags | ✅ Supported | |
PurgeQueue | ❌ Unsupported | |
ReceiveMessage | ✅ Supported | wait not supported |
RemovePermission | ❌ Unsupported | |
SendMessage | ✅ Supported | |
SendMessageBatch | ❌ Unsupported | |
SetQueueAttributes | ✅ Supported | not all attributes |
StartMessageMoveTask | ❌ Unsupported | |
TagQueue | ✅ Supported | |
UntagQueue | ✅ Supported |