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This is a tool for web scraping and monitoring prices on tech product stores (such as newegg)
Currently, this will ONLY scrape, but I intend to implement scrapers for other websites in the future.
In addition to being a we scraper, this is also a bot, that will send emails to the user, when a product they're interested in drops below a certain price.
The domain currently ruinning this code is
Contributions to this code are welcome! This is my first web app and I'm sure a lot of code could have been implemented better, so please message me with edits or suggestions!

Installation and setup:

run this code, first enter the following bash commands:
git clone <repo-url>
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the app

In order to user the email notification system, you have to replace the text in the 'email_creds.txt' file with your own credentials.
If you want to run this without using the notifications, comment out lines 46 and 47 in ''.
The first few minutes of this youtube video explain this better:
After doing this, the app should run from main, or with the command:

Viewing the app

This code includes the csv files and results.html page generated from searching '3080' using the web scraping function.