This repository is intended to use for training HuggingFace models for the ReCo projects.
Build docker and start training as follows:
Docker Building:
docker build -t llm_training:latest .
run the following commmand if you can not build its docker, because we have a limited space and don't want to occupy unncessary spaces
sudo docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q) --force
Before training the model, you need to create .env file since we need to use GPU 1. Add GPU_DEVICE=1
to .env
Model training:
screen -L -Logfile {LOGFILE_NAME} sudo docker run --rm --gpus all -v /reco/llm-training/:/app --env-file .env --name llm_training llm_training:latest bash scripts/spot/train_{MODEL_PREFIX}.sh
Model testing, you need to remove --train from the script and to run the above script.
To fine-tune Llama2, make sure that you add HF credentials in .env
as follows:
Zero-shot learning codes for ChatGPT and Llama2 are located under app/nshot/{model_name}
Run the following command to get predictions from ChatGPT
bash scripts/{TASK_NAME}/
Run the following command to get predictions from Llama2
bash scripts/{TASK_NAME}/