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GimliDuck Devtools

WIP devtools for GimliDuck

composer require --dev danc0/gimliduck-devtools

Used with GimliDuck PHP Framework

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✅ v0.1.0 👾 dvnc0

Devtools for GimliDuck Framework

|Command                       |Description                               |
|init                          |Create a devtools configuration file      |
|controller <controller_name>  |Create a new controller                   |
|logic <logic_name>            |Create a new logic file                   |
|model <model_name>            |Create a new model                        |
|job <job_name>                |Create a new Job                          |
|event <event_name>            |Create a new event                        |
|version                       |Prints the version information for gimli  |

Create the devtools config file with vendor/bin/gimli init

Use vendor/bin/gimli help to view commands and vendor/bin/gimli <command> --help for more information on a specific command.

Current planned features:

  • Create a new middleware
  • Create a migration
  • Create a route file
  • Add a route to a route file
  • Add a Vue file
  • Create a skeleton project
  • Run Vue build
  • Run TailwindCSS build
  • Run migrations