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Releases: dutchie027/vultr-php

composer script change

07 Nov 23:03
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This version changes the way composer runs the post install script to generate the .ini

PHP 8 and Code Refactor

17 Oct 14:10
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Initial release of 3.0.0 which includes a refactoring of the code as well as the support PHP 8+. It also sets up the framework and foundation to use a .ini configuration file and a few other things as well as starts to include some basic tests.

Dependabot updates and license

02 Aug 21:21
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  • Dependabot updated a few composer libraries
  • Specifically added and called out MIT License as LICENSE in repo

Upgraded Composer LIbraries

16 Jul 01:03
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Upgraded composer libraries and tested

Badges & Directories

30 Apr 18:04
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  • I don't use an IDE so no need for the .idea folder
  • Added chicklets back to

composer typo

30 Apr 17:55
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small typo

Fixed library names after merging back

30 Apr 17:53
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Update composer.json

Updates, Typos, Fixes

30 Apr 17:39
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Merged code from two forks that had some typo changes and also a few other things.

All Classes Included

07 Jan 04:50
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All of the classes are now included. The Load Balancer Class has two missing functions, create and update, but those will be forthcoming. There is also one function in Reserved IPs that is outstanding - waiting on clarification from Vultr. Once I have the final doc from them, I'll implement that change.

I also plan to create docs for each individual class and add more error checking and tidy up the code in general but I wanted to get a complete wrapper out for all of the v2 endpoints. Didn't have to be pretty, but had to be complete.


06 Jan 04:31
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This release includes the core functionality for instances, which is the major endpoint to create and manipulate VMs in the Vultr cloud.

It is still missing:

  • Bare Metal
  • Load Balancers
  • Reserved IPs

These should be added within a week or two.