NeHe's OpenGL Tutorial in NASM
This is an attempt to recreate the NeHe OpenGL tutorial from in NASM assembler. I will try make sure there are lots of comments throughout the source code. This has been attempted to increase my knowledge of x86 assembler and OpenGL.
In order to compile these you will need NASM and ALINK at least or someother linker. To compile I use the following in a batch script.
::Turn off echo so it looks nice
@echo off
::Work out which folder we are in for the output name
::i.e if in C:\foo\bar\ it would return bar.exe
for %%i in (.) do set outName=%%~ni.exe
::Make sure we are in the starting directory
cd /D "%~dp0"
for %%i in (*.asm) do (
::We have to do this to save the obj file
call :saveparam "%%~ni.obj"
@echo Compiling file: %%i
"H:\NonworkRelated\nasm\nasm" -f obj %%i -i..\
@echo Starting ALINK:
::Link our .obj files.
"H:\NonworkRelated\nasm\alink" -c -oPE -o %outName% -subsys gui %params%
::Optionally delete all left over obj files
DEL *.obj
exit /b
set "params=%1 %params%"
exit /b
Lesson 1: Setting Up An OpenGL Window - Complete
Lesson 2: Your First Polygon - Complete
Lesson 3: Adding Color - Complete
Lesson 4: Rotation - Complete
Lesson 5: 3D Shapes - Complete
Lesson 6: Texture Mapping - Complete
Lesson 7: Texture Filters, Lighting and Keyboard Control - Complete
Lesson 8: Blending - Complete
Lesson 9: Moving Bitmaps in 3D Space - Complete
Lesson 10: Loading and Moving Through A 3D World - Complete
Code Review! - Started