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A Simple Ringbuffer in C

A Simple Ringbuffer in C

230131 Update

meson is a rapidily developing project based on python3. In order to maintain the necessary product versions, I created a docker container environment in which to build and run this ringbuffer experiment.

Add cmake builder for comparison.

See shell functions to:

  • create and run the docker container (currently based on debian 10),
  • create and test the ringbuffer executable using gmake
  • create and test the ringbuffer executable using meson.
  • create and test the ringbuffer executable using cmake

See for an article I am writing on my experience with meson.


This project demonstrates an efficient, portable ringbuffer design suitable for embedded projects, the device drivers and user-space code. The code is written in C. While not “lock-less” (see the research section) the code uses a small, custom spinlock based on C11 atomics to guard ringbuffer updates.

The reason I developed this project is there are many implementations of a ringbuffer (see research secion) but none met my requirements.

A ringbuffer is a type of queue (a.k.a FIFO) that adds data in the order it is received. Once full, the ringbuffer overwrites the oldest data with the newest data. In otherwords, a ringbuffer is a queue that wraps around to the first element after the last element is filled.

For instance, a ringbuffer has N elements. The first input will be enqueued at element 1, the second at element 2, up to the Nth at element N. Once the ringbuffer is full (all N elements have valid data), the next (newest) datum will be enqueued at the oldest element, which is element 1. Conversely, the oldest valid element is dequeued first, followed but subsequent elements until all valid elements are dequeued. The name ringbuffer is fitting because the dequeue operations chase the enqueue operations from the first to the Nth element in a loop.

Case Study

A real-world case study is an ADC that samples an analog signal and converts it to a digital value. The digital value is written/enqueued to a ringbuffer. At some point after this the digital values will be dequeued from the ringbuffer for processing.

A good example of an ADC is the TI ADC12 which can sample an analog stream at 200K samples per second. This device is too fast for many processors to manage and/or requires a huge amount of memory to store the samples. However, the samples become stale quickly so a ring buffer that overwrites the oldest sample values with newest ones is a good algorithm to employ.


The requirements for the ringbuffer design are as follows:

  • static data structure, without the need for advanced memory allocation
  • detection when no valid elements exist (empty ringbuffer)
  • when all buffers are filled the oldest are overwritten with incoming data, this allows recent data to be captured while discarding possibly stale data
  • simple to understand and maintain, portable to resource limited environments
  • mutual exclusion for concurrent data structure updates
  • mutual exclusion must not cause a task/thread reschedule, disqualifying a mutex or semaphore
  • written in C for Linux kernel driver work


The following ringbuffer implementations were among those studied as a basis for this project. Note that none meet the requirements.

I also researched lockless queues to increase the ringbuffer performance. while appealing, these require a linked list and dynamic memory allocation (though I suppose the memory chunks could be statically allocated and put in the linked list during initialization.)

High Level Design

There are three small components to the design:

  • a data structure describing the queue/ringbuffer and its current state
  • an enqueue function to add a newest value to an element and move to the next available element
  • a dequeue function to retrieve an oldest value from an element (optionally marking the element as INVALID) and move to the next available element

The enqueue and dequeue functions both increment one position in the queue. When a function writes or reads the last queue element it sets the next available element to the first element in the queue.

The possibility of data corruption exists because the functions may concurrently working on the same data structure. This design provides a mutual exclusion mechanism using a simple spinlock based on C11 atomics. When one function is modifying the data structure it acquires the lock, if the other function tries to modify the data structure it will spin until the first function releases the lock, at which point the waiting function will acquire the lock.

ringbuffer data structure

The ringbuffer is a standard queue; the enqueue and dequeue functions have logic to manage the queue as a ring.

The data structure has four major components:

  • a statically allocated array of buffers to implement the queue
  • a field pointing to the array element to enqueue the new data, named enq
  • a field pointing to the array element to dequeue the oldest data, named deq
  • a counter for how many valid elements are in the ringbuffer, named count.

The counter is necessary because the enq and deq field locations are ambiguous. When both enq and deq are pointing to the same element it could mean the array is full (count is array size) or empty (count is 0.) Additionally the counter is useful to easily determine the number of valid elements in the queue.

All other queue calculations can be derived from those four but I prefer to do the calculation once and store it in a field in the structure:

  • first: the first element in the queue; used to identify the first element to start the queue and the location to wrap to when the last element is processed
  • last: the last element in the queue; used to check when to wrap and as a comparison when dumping the entire array
  • max: the size of the queue; used to check the counter
  • cb: a callback function for debugging; currently just stdout/console print of the queue


The code and documentation reside on my github account under ring-buffer source code.

The code is structured using the Linux kernel coding style guide and documented using the linux kernel documentation guide

simple queue data structure

gist:simple queue data structures






The spinlock code is a replacement for pthread_mutex_lock based on C11 atomics. It proved to be highly portable and good in driver code that cannot block as long as the critical sections are fairly small.

Unit Testing

The unit testing framework is set up by main in ringbuffer.c and is organized as two pthreads:

* a producer enqueuing to the ringbuffer,
* a consumer dequeuing values.

The producer writes incrementally higher values to the ringbuffer, representing chronologically ordering, and the consumer reads them in the same order. When the producer is done, it enqueues an END_EL value alerting the consumer to also exit.

<script src=""></script>

--> See gist:unit test framework

Originally the enqueue and dequeue functions used stdio for tracking but this was found to be too costly, creating a significant overhead in the threads.

The solution to this was to create a logging ringbuffer to enqueue the producer and consumer events while the threads run. When the threads end and are joined back, the logging ringbuffer is written using stdio. The logging ringbuffer itself is a simple, easily modified, version of the example ringbuffer implementation. Not only does this mechanism dramatically increases the speed test framework but also shows the power and portability of the ringbuffer code.


It is always hard to quantify an algorithm without a great deal of testing but preliminary unit tests illustrate the following results:

  • A number of producer functions are included in the unit test to gauge different performance characteristics. Some producers send a loop of events, nap, more events, nap, etc.

  • The benchmark producer sends a number of events provided on the command line as fast as possible; the command line below shows test 3 with a count of 10M, stdout to a tmp file.

linger:763$ linger:758$ ./ringbuffer -t 3 -c 10000000 > /tmp/test3.log
q_producer_stress3: send 10000000
q_consumer: exiting
total log records = 10000
elapsed time from thread create after thread join: delta=4.355530222
lock_held_c=47503018 lock_held_p=55134829
  • The simple spinlock performed much better than the pthread mutexes. Notice the test run above how large the lock_held counts are, indicating contention between the producer and consumer threads. One theory is the spinlock runs more efficiently than the mutex because the lock critical section is small and the spinlock removes the mutex context switching.

  • The overall ringbuffer appears to be performant. A stream of 10M events generated from producer to consumer using a ringbuffer with a queue depth of 4096 takes roughly 2.2 seconds without event logging. The same logic using gcc pthread mutex for locking rises to 3.3sec. With event logging enabled the time jumps to 4.3sec for spinlock and 9.8sec for pthread mutex.

  • A larger queue size creates more efficiency, probably because the q_enq and q_deq functions execute less ringbuffer wrap logic.

  • I tested various atomic memory models for the spin lock. Using 100M enq/deq calls, the __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE model seemed to be slightly faster than the stronger (default) __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, roughly about 1-2% on average. I don't know how much the faster memory model increases the risk of data corruption.


This project was fun to do and I learned a good bit. The ringbuffer implementation for the ADC driver worked well and is easily maintained. The ISR reads the device and enqueues the 12bit sample value, the driver kthread dequeues the values for processing. Some values can be seen to be overwritten but only occasionally and then, due to the queue depth, not much of an impact.

A mark of a good project is my problem about how to efficiently debug and affirm the ringbuffer is working. The answer: create a logging ringbuffer!


Add code to log an event when the oldest queue element is overwritten to track data loss.

Reduce lock contention windows. Possible avenues include:

  • reader-writer locks
  • a lock for each array element
  • atomic enqueue and dequeue operations for lockless

It is possible to pull the generic ringbuffer pieces into a library. One could change the buf_t typedef to a void * payloadp and attach a generic payload to each element. Then, possibly, use a callback function (similar to the cb field) to process the payload. It becomes a little more complex to manage the payloads.