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User-space Finite State Machine using (pretty much) Linux kernel functions.

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Added a meson build/test file, much improved over Make. I am running from a custom docker container with all the latest meson tools.

docker> meson --version
docker> meson setup bld_fsm
docker> cd bld_fsm
docker> meson compile --clean; meson compile -v
docker> meson test


This project demonstrates how to create, manage, drive and regression test a deterministic finite state machine (DFSM). The motivation for developing this code is as follows:

  • Many software-managed elements can be modelled using a theoretical state machine.
  • Some Linux drivers and network code developed to control these elements have a software implementation of the DFSM.
  • Many of the FSM implementations are very difficult to comprehend. As a simple example of this: study $K/include/net/tcp_states.h and calls to tcp_set_state ($K/net/ipv4/tcp.c). Try to match the FSM defined in RFC-793:TCP with the code. It is possible but difficult.
  • TCP has a fairly simple FSM. Some Telecom chipsets have much more complex FSMs or multiple FSMs cooperating to fulfill a mission. These FSMs can be fragile and hard to debug.

There are two substantial efforts under this project.

  1. Develop a simple, reliable event delivery framework to/from a set of POSIX "worker" threads.

  2. Use the event delivery framework to drive two cooperating FSMs: a stoplight and a corresponding crosswalk. The events will primarily be based on timer expiration (e.g. read light timeout.) Additionally there is an ondemand button to trigger a red light and "walk" crosswalk.

I made a good number of architecture decisions in developing the code after investigations documented in Alternative API Research. Some alternate patterns are fruit for future research.

Project Documentation

This README is the primary project documentation.

All C/Makefile/script software for this project is version-controlled at github:dturvene FSM

The source code is heavily documented using the Kernel Doc syntax.

FSM Overview

An FSM is essentially a set of states, each accepting a subset of all FSM events. For each state, an event causes a reaction that may transition to a new state. An event not accepted by the current state will either be discarded or cause an error.

This FSM model is based on OMG UML v2.5.1 specification, a comprehesive (800 page!) description of all aspects of the Unified Modeling Language. From UML Chapter 1:

The objective of UML is to provide system architects, software engineers, and
software developers with tools for analysis, design, and implementation of 
software-based systems as well as for modeling business and similar processes.

I will focus Chapter 14 State Machines and even then not implement much of the described behavior. Additionally Chapter 16 Actions and Section 13.3 Events are implicitly used in this document to describe the FSMs.

The basic requirements for the FSMs implemented in this project are:

  • simple to understand and interpret events/transitions,
  • deterministic,
  • relatively easy to modify and debug,
  • capable of quickly unit and regression testing.

One design decision I made is to send all events to all FSMs to simplify the event delivery framework. Thus an FSM that generates an event will also receive it. If it is in state to accept the event then the transition logic will be run, otherwise the event will be discarded. Using the DBG_DEEP verbosity (-d 0x20), a NO match debug message will be generate by the FSM logic.

Each Transition (UML is a struct of:

  • current state
  • event
  • transition guard constaint function
  • next state

As described in UML, a transition may have a guard condition. This boolean condition will allow the transition to proceed if the function returns true and deny it if false. If the guard condition returns false the transition to the next state will not proceed and the event will be discarded.

Each State (UML is a struct of:

  • char name
  • entry_action function (UML
  • exit_action function (UML

The “char name” is debugging. The entry_action is a function called when the state is entered and the exit_action is a function called when the state is being left (transition to a new state.) These functions are small: generally sending an event or (re)setting a timer. An action function cannot block the thread.

Tying the structures together, the FSM is defined as a table of Transitions. The generic FSM run logic will match the tuple (current state, event id) to an entry in the FSM table and call the appropriate logic. As mentioned above, if that tuple does not exist then the FSM will stay in the current state and discard the event.

Finally, the FSMs in this project are a proper subset of UML 14. There is a great deal more complexity to the UML State, Transaction, Action classes than represented in this project (e.g. history, substates and enhanced actions.) However, these extensions create a more difficult software implementation of the FSMs and not much general utility; they are for boundary patterns.

Glossary and Definitions

  • C language
  • CLI: Command Line Interface
  • DFSM: Deterministic Finite State Machine
  • $K: the root of the Linux kernel source tree

Software Overview

The FSM Overview chapter gives a high-level view of the code structure. Here are some specifics:

The code in fsm.[ch] is the generic code for an FSM, including a call to fsm_run to drive the FSM given an input event.

The code in fsm_defs.h contains the definition for the stoplight and crosswalk FSMs along with the (simple) entry_action, exit_action and constraint functions. It also contains the definitions for the timers used by these two FSMs.

Software APIs

As mentioned earlier, for this project I am focusing on the Linux kernel and device drivers. The code is developed in C and, where possible, mimics the Linux kernel API. Where a suitable kernel API was not possible, the software uses POSIX APIs.

The APIs used in this project include the following.

  • The linked list uses the libnl3/netlink/list.h macros, which are a replica of the macros in kernel list management implemented in $K/include/linux/list.h.
  • pthread_ and pthread_cond_ calls as defined in POSIX threads are roughly comparable to the kernel kthread_ and wait_event_ APIs described in Kernel Basics
  • pthread_mutex_ calls are comparable to the mutex APIs documented in kernel locking


The first program, evtdemo.c, is an event delivery framework based on a producer/consumer architecture. There are four threads:

  1. MGMT is the main process of the event framework to start/stop the FSMs and send events to them. It has no states. It can generate the following events either from the keyboard or a script file.

  2. C1 is consumer thread receiving events from MGMT

  3. C2 is a consumer thread receiving events from MGMT

  4. TSRV is the timer service.

The MGMT thread has no states but can generate on-demand events from a user interface or script file (Unit and Regression Testing).

TSRV is a service used by the other threads to create/manage timers and timer events. Workers create and set timers with the TSRV thread using the fsmtimer API. Note that the fsmtimer API has an internal mutex to protect against race conditions.

When a timer expires, the TSRV delivers the corresponding event to all worker threads. TSRV uses the Linux epoll and timerfd APIs to implement timers. It can support a maximum of four concurrent timers.

See the inline documentation for more information.


This program implements two interworking FSMs using the event delivery framework in evtdemo. The major difference is the two consumers threads are replace with FSM implementations:

  • C1 is replaced with FSM1, the thread for the traffic stoplight.
  • C2 is replaced with FSM2, the thread for the crosswalk.

FSM1 (stoplight) UML state diagram

FSM1 UML Diagram

FSM1 Implementation

The code for FSM1 is below. There are five states, each with an enter and exit action. Each state has one or more transitions in the FSM1 transition table.

/* Default states */
fsm_state_t s_init = {"S:INIT", act_enter, act_exit};
fsm_state_t s_done = {"S:DONE", act_done, NULL};
 * FSM1, stoplight
fsm_state_t s_stoplight_init = {"S:INIT", stoplight_init_enter, act_exit};
fsm_state_t s_red = {"S:RED", red_enter, act_exit};
fsm_state_t s_green = {"S:GREEN", green_enter, act_exit};
fsm_state_t s_yellow = {"S:YELLOW", yellow_enter, act_exit};
fsm_state_t s_green_but = {"S:GREEN_BUT", green_but_enter, act_exit};
fsm_trans_t FSM1[] = {
 /* specific init for timers, transition to s_green */
 {&s_stoplight_init, E_INIT, NULL, &s_green},
/* GREEN */
 {&s_green, E_LIGHT, NULL, &s_yellow},
 {&s_green, E_DONE, NULL, &s_done},
 {&s_green, E_BUTTON, but_constraint, &s_green_but},
/* YELLOW */
 {&s_yellow, E_LIGHT, NULL, &s_red},
 {&s_yellow, E_DONE, NULL, &s_done},
/* RED */
 {&s_red, E_LIGHT, NULL, &s_green},
 {&s_red, E_DONE, NULL, &s_done},
 {&s_green_but, E_LIGHT, NULL, &s_yellow},
 // TODO: NO DONE? {&st_green_but, E_DONE, &st_done},

The first transition is the init state s_stoplight_init. On entry it runs the stoplight_init_enter function, which creates the timers and sets the values (but does not start them!) In the stoplight_init_enter function notice that timer TID_LIGHT is created to generate an E_LIGHT event.

 * stoplight_init_enter - init stoplight FSM
 * When FSMs are started with E_INIT event, each is responsible to provision
 * itself.  This creates two timers: TID_LIGHT for changing the stoplight
 * and TID_BLINK for crosswalk blinking.  A set of timeout values are configured
 * as increments of the command line argument `tick`.
 * - t_norm: normal timeout for light change
 * - t_fast: timeout for yellow light, which is brief
 * - t_but: timeout for light when button is pressed
 * - t_blink: crosswalk blinking when stoplight is getting near S:GREEN
static void stoplight_init_enter(void *arg)
/* create timers with event on expiry */
 create_timer(TID_LIGHT, E_LIGHT);
 create_timer(TID_BLINK, E_BLINK);
/* update timer expiry periods to be adjustable */
 t_norm *= tick;
 t_fast *= tick; 
 t_but *= tick;
 t_blink *= tick;

Now look at the state s_green which has three transitions:

  • E_LIGHT, where the next state is s_yellow
  • E_DONE, where the next state is s_done
  • E_BUTTON, where the next state is s_green_but

The UML diagram above illustrates the progress for each event.

We see from the init function that the TID_LIGHT timer is created but how is it started? The timer start could have been added to the stoplight_enter_init function but it is better to start it after the transition to s_green in its entry function:

 * green_enter - broadcast event and set light timer for normal
 * timeout.
static void green_enter(void *arg)
 set_timer(TID_LIGHT, t_norm);

Using this pattern, the TID_LIGHT timer is (re)set to the desired value regardless of which state the FSM transitions from.

Almost every state has an E_DONE transition. This always enters the s_done state which has only the act_done entry point, calling pthread_exit to end the FSM thread.

If a state does NOT have an E_DONE transition then the FSM cannot exit when in that state, and will hang when the other threads exit. Use the SIGINT signal (via keyboard ^C ) to exit the entire process.

 * act-done - when the E_DONE event is received, exit the thread immediately.  The main thread 
 * waits on pthread_join to reap the worker threads.
static void act_done(void *arg)

FSM2 (crosswalk) UML state diagram

FSM2 UML Diagram

From the FSM1 code fragments above, one can see an example of the s_green state generating an E_GREEN event to all the FSMs. In FSM2 we see that an E_GREEN event will cause a transition from the s_blinking state to the s_nowalk state.

Alternative API Research

These are some of the kernel and system mechanisms I investigated as alternatives to the classic mutex/cond_wait and linked list APIs from above.

The FIFO and reader-writer lock are worthy of more investigation to replace the current mutex/cond_wait implementation.


I looked at the libevent library for event handling, which uses a registration/callback API.

Currently the event delivery code uses a simple queue based on a user-space implementation of kernel list management and pthread_cond_ calls from POSIX threads. This is similar to some kernel event delivery mechanisms, search on enqueue and dequeue for examples. This mechanism is simple and meets all requirements so I don't see changing it.


I looked at using a Kernel FIFO Buffer implementation for the event interface to the FSM, probably with mkfifo or pipe. The fifo and pipe have locking internal to the API.

I chose to use kernel lists. Either would suffice.

Reader-writer lock

An alternative to a mutex is the reader-writer lock, which would be good for this one-way queue between threads. The kernel API is $K/kernel/locking/qrwlock.c. It uses spinlock and atomic operation to protect the queue.

The comparable pthread implementation is pthread_rwlock_*. This is worth explore for the next release.

Kernel workqueue

The Kernel workqueue mechanism is attractive but too complex for the purpose of this project.

Kernel RCU

The Kernel RCU mechanism is another powerful API. Essentially it protects concurrent access by doing sequential Read, Copy, Update steps. The idea is the writing task copies the data structure while other tasks are reading it, modifies the data structure copy and block new readers from accessing the original. When all current readers are done with the data structure, the writer replaces the original structure with the copy then allowing reader task access to the updated structure.

This is more efficient than a lock, which blocks all access to the data structure while it is being updated, because the RCU model allows readers access the data structure while the copy is being modified.

The most notable user-space RCU library is URCU.

As with the workqueue, RCU is too complex for the purpose of this project.

FSM Unit and Regression Testing

The FSMs are entirely event driven, with event generation from timer expiry or the CLI. The CLI accepts a simple set of string commands from the user for interaction with the FSMs. The commands are one of:

  • FSM event generation
  • timer control
  • FSM status
  • Pause the CLI thread while the FSMs run

This is an effective mechanism to unit test the FSMs.

The FSMs can be regression tested by combining CLI commands into a script. This is very helpful after source mods to quickly and accureately confirm that the desired behavior is still valid.

The script works the same as the CLI but automatically. As the FSMs cycle through state transitions, the script either pauses or retrieves FSM status. The script is passed as an argument to fsmdemo and visually checked. The scripts are commented to make the test steps clearer.

Ideally I would wrap the FSM scripts in a python test script to verify that the FSMs are in the correct state and the timers are set to the correct expiry values.

Here is the button.script to regression test the button press support:

# test script to test button press
# ./fsmdemo -n -s button.script -t 100
# Test the button event

# send workers go event to run and nap
# light timer=t_norm(10*tick), state=S:GREEN
g n1 s

# button press, nap1, status
# light timer=t_but(1*tick), state=S:GREEN_BUT
b n1 s

# wait for going out of GREEN_BUT
# light timer=t_fast(3*tick), state=S:YELLOW
n3 s

# nap3, status
# light timer=t_norm(10*tick), state=S:RED,S:WALK
n3 s

# button, nap1, status
# light timer=t_norm(10*tick), state=S:RED,S:WALK
b n1 s

# nap5, nap5, status
# light timer=t_norm(10*tick), state=S:GREEN,S:DONT_WALK
n5 n5 s

# exit all threads and join
# script eof


User-space Finite State Machine using (pretty much) Linux kernel functions.






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