E-commerce is an e-commerce platform that allows users to purchase various items through multi-step checkout form. The application is built using React and several popular React libraries including Formik, Yup, Axios, Notistack and more. The user interface is designed using Material-UI, providing a seamless experience for users on both desktop and mobile devices.
- Login and register forms handled by Formik and Yup
- Product listings, including images and descriptions, for users to browse and select items to purchase
- A detailed and a quick view of each product
- Functional search bar with infinite scroll for results
- Shopping cart that allows users to add and remove items, and view the total cost of their purchase
- Multi-step checkout form
- Inventory update after each purchase
- Persistent cart using localStorage
- Satisfactory user experience and responsive design
This project requires a backend service to handle user authentication, product management, and order processing. You can find the backend code and setup instructions here: E-Commerce Backend.
npm install
- Run frontend with
npm start
yarn start