- Changes to SharePointDsc
- Added support for SharePoint 2019
- Added CredSSP requirement to the Readme files
- Added VSCode Support for running SharePoint 2019 unit tests
- Removed the deprecated resources SPCreateFarm and SPJoinFarm (replaced in v2.0 by SPFarm)
- SPBlobCacheSettings
- Updated the Service Instance retrieval to be language independent
- SPConfigWizard
- Fixed check for Ensure=Absent in the Set method
- SPInstallPrereqs
- Added support for detecting updated installation of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015/2017 Redistributable (x64) for SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint 2019.
- SPSearchContentSource
- Added support for Business Content Source Type
- SPSearchMetadataCategory
- New resource added
- SPSearchServiceApp
- Updated resource to make sure the presence of the service app proxy is checked and created if it does not exist
- SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig
- The resource only tested for the Ensure parameter. Added more parameters
- SPServiceAppSecurity
- Added support for specifying array of access levels.
- Changed implementation to use Grant-SPObjectSecurity with Replace switch instead of using a combination of Revoke-SPObjectSecurity and Grant-SPObjectSecurity
- Added all supported access levels as available values.
- Removed unknown access levels: Change Permissions, Write, and Read
- SPUserProfileProperty
- Removed obsolete parameters (MappingConnectionName, MappingPropertyName, MappingDirection) and introduced new parameter PropertyMappings
- SPUserProfileServiceApp
- Updated the check for successful creation of the service app to throw an error if this is not done correctly
The following changes will break v2.x and earlier configurations that use these resources:
- Implemented IsSingleInstance parameter to force that the resource can only be used once in a configuration for the following resources:
- SPAntivirusSettings
- SPConfigWizard
- SPDiagnosticLoggingSettings
- SPFarm
- SPFarmAdministrators
- SPInfoPathFormsServiceConfig
- SPInstall
- SPInstallPrereqs
- SPIrmSettings
- SPMinRoleCompliance
- SPPasswordChangeSettings
- SPProjectServerLicense
- SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig
- SPShellAdmin
- Standardized Url/WebApplication parameter to default WebAppUrl parameter for the following resources:
- SPDesignerSettings
- SPFarmSolution
- SPSelfServiceSiteCreation
- SPWebAppBlockedFileTypes
- SPWebAppClientCallableSettings
- SPWebAppGeneralSettings
- SPWebApplication
- SPWebApplicationAppDomain
- SPWebAppSiteUseAndDeletion
- SPWebAppThrottlingSettings
- SPWebAppWorkflowSettings
- Introduced new mandatory parameters
- SPSearchResultSource: Added option to create Result Sources at different scopes.
- SPServiceAppSecurity: Changed parameter AccessLevel to AccessLevels in MSFT_SPServiceAppSecurityEntry to support array of access levels.
- SPUserProfileProperty: New parameter PropertyMappings