released this
09 Jan 06:59
Removed Visual Studio project files, added VSCode PowerShell extensions
launch file
Added xSPDatabaseAAG, xSPFarmSolution and xSPAlternateUrl resources
Fixed bug with xSPWorkManagementServiceApp schema
Added support to xSPSearchServiceApp to configure the default content
access account
Added support for SSL web apps to xSPWebApplication
Added support for xSPDistributedCacheService to allow provisioning across
multiple servers in a specific sequence
Added version as optional parameter for the xSPFeature resource to allow
upgrading features to a specific version
Fixed a bug with xSPUserProfileSyncConnection to ensure it gets the
correct context
Added MOF descriptions to all resources to improve editing experience
in PowerShell ISE
Added a check to warn about issue when installing SharePoint 2013 on a
server with .NET 4.6 installed
Updated examples to include installation resources
Fixed issues with kerberos and anonymous access in xSPWebApplication
Add support for SharePoint 2016 on Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview
to xSPInstallPrereqs
Fixed bug for provisioning of proxy for Usage app in xSPUsageApplication
You can’t perform that action at this time.