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dscbot edited this page Dec 11, 2022 · 4 revisions



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Name Key String Specifies the name of this pending reboot check.
SkipComponentBasedServicing Write Boolean Specifies whether to skip reboots triggered by the Component-Based Servicing component.
ComponentBasedServicing Read Boolean A value indicating whether the Component-Based Servicing component requested a reboot.
SkipWindowsUpdate Write Boolean Specifies whether to skip reboots triggered by Windows Update.
WindowsUpdate Read Boolean A value indicating whether Windows Update requested a reboot.
SkipPendingFileRename Write Boolean Specifies whether to skip pending file rename reboots.
PendingFileRename Read Boolean A value indicating whether a pending file rename triggered a reboot.
SkipPendingComputerRename Write Boolean Specifies whether to skip reboots triggered by a pending computer rename.
PendingComputerRename Read Boolean A value indicating whether a pending computer rename triggered a reboot.
SkipCcmClientSDK Write Boolean Specifies whether to skip reboots triggered by the ConfigMgr client. Defaults to True.
CcmClientSDK Read Boolean A value indicating whether the ConfigMgr client triggered a reboot.
RebootRequired Read Boolean A value indicating whether the node requires a reboot.


PendingReboot examines three specific registry locations where a Windows Server might indicate that a reboot is pending and allows DSC to predictably handle the condition.

DSC determines how to handle pending reboot conditions using the Local Configuration Manager (LCM) setting RebootNodeIfNeeded. When DSC resources require reboot, within a Set statement in a DSC Resource the global variable DSCMachineStatus is set to value '1'. When this condition occurs and RebootNodeIfNeeded is set to 'True', DSC reboots the machine after a successful Set. Otherwise, the reboot is postponed.

Note: The expectation is that this resource will be used in conjunction with knowledge of DSC Local Configuration Manager, which has the ability to manage whether reboots happen automatically using the RebootIfNeeded parameter. For more information on configuring the LCM, please reference this TechNet article.


Example 1

This example joins a computer to a domain and allows the LCM node to reboot after the join. The LCM must have been configured with the RebootNodeIfNeeded property set to $true.

Configuration PendingReboot_RebootAfterDomainJoin_Config
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName ComputerManagementDsc

    Node localhost
        Computer JoinDomain
            Name       = 'Server01'
            DomainName = 'Contoso'
            Credential = $Credential # Credential to join to domain

        PendingReboot RebootAfterDomainJoin
            Name = 'DomainJoin'

Example 2

This example sets the timezone of the node to Tonga Standard Time and then allows the LCM node to reboot the node only if System Center Configuration Manager requires a reboot. No other reboot trigger will cause the LCM to reboot the node.

Configuration PendingReboot_ConfigMgrReboot_Config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName ComputerManagementDsc

    Node localhost
        TimeZone TimeZoneExample
            IsSingleInstance = 'Yes'
            TimeZone         = 'Tonga Standard Time'

        PendingReboot ConfigMgrReboot
            Name                        = 'ConfigMgr'
            SkipComponentBasedServicing = $true
            SkipWindowsUpdate           = $true
            SkipPendingFileRename       = $true
            SkipPendingComputerRename   = $true
            SkipCcmClientSDK            = $false