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Translation Guide

Dan edited this page Mar 8, 2018 · 1 revision

How to Submit Translations

Submitting a translation is very simple, I will go through the steps here.

  1. First you need to find the main language file. This plugin is developed in the United States, therefore the English language file will always be updated to reflect the latest information. You may find that file by doing the following:

    • On the top of this page hit the Code tab.
    • Click on src/main.
    • Click on resources, and then lang.
    • In that directory you should find the Messages_en_US file.

    Open that file by clicking on it, and hit Raw in the top right. From there you can download the file using your browser. Instructions on how to do that will not be provided here. Once the file is downloaded it rename it using the following convention: Messages_[language]_[COUNTRY]. For example, a translation into Italian from Italy (as there is also italian from Swizzerland) would be Messages_it_IT.

  2. Now that the file is downloaded you may begin translating. Simply change the messages from English to your language. The identifiers should remain in English. For example, a translation from English to italian would look like this:

    Before Translation

    Before Translation

    After Translation

    After Translation

  3. Once the entire file is translated you should submit an issue on our issue tracker. For convenience you should prepend [Translation] to the title of your issue. You must attach the translated file to your issue in order for it to be added to the plugin.

The process for correcting an incorrect translation, or adding a missing translation is pretty much the same. Instead of downloading the English file download the file of the language you wish to work on. Make the necessary changes and upload it in an issue as outlined in step 3.

If you are git savvy, make a pull request with your translation file instead.

Thank you for contributing.

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