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Releases: drupal-graphql/graphql

Drupalcon Prague maintenance

23 Sep 09:52
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Maintenance release of the GraphQL module for Drupal.

This release comes with minor new features and bug fixes:

  • Drupal 10 compatibility
  • Page caching for GET requests

All changes since 8.x-4.3: 8.x-4.3...8.x-4.4

Thanks to Kingdutch, chrfritsch, larowlan, Cryt1c, akhomy, balintpekker, dbosen!

Blue Beta Breaker

10 Nov 09:52
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Password Producer

08 Jul 14:39
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Virus Resistor

03 Mar 10:26
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Cold Amsterdam Winter

01 Nov 10:54
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Hell just froze

01 Nov 11:02
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19 Mar 16:09
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AKA: “The big webonyx/graphql-php migration.”

After having an eye on it for quite some time now, it’s been decided that the GraphQL module for Drupal should switch to the more mature webonyx/graphql-php library for parsing and executing. This brings some exciting new improvements and possibilities:

Improved performance

Lazy construction of schema plugins and an improved query execution leads to an overall performance boost.

With the improved possibilities to scan an analyse a queries AST even before execution, cache invalidation has become a lot smarter and very specific. This is also the first step to caching partial query trees.

Execution context

A context object is handed down the GraphQL evaluation tree, that allows us to safely pass state to branches. This finally allows intuitive and easy language handling across query fragments.

Improved developer experience

If the development setting is enabled, the query processor will emit very detailed error reports and exception traces. This should make writing own plugins and identifying problems a lot easier.

Breaking changes

All this goodness also has a cost. There have been some small but unavoidable breaking changes. Please refer to the upgrade guide and check if this affects you.

Beta 1

25 Oct 09:10
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The first beta is out!

Important changes:

  1. The base module (graphql) provides the plugin system and API. Most of the shipped functionality has been consolidated into the graphql_core module.
  2. Configuring the schema with entity view modes has been deprecated and moved out of the codebase. The graphql_legacy project is there to maintain backwards compatibility and should provide a smooth path for upgrading an existing project.
  3. Therefore, upon enabling graphql_core, the schema will expose all content entities, while respecting all of Drupal's access restriction mechanisms.
  4. Entity mutations have been deprecated (for now) in favour of writing dedicated plugins that will do the job better. Again, graphql_legacy is there to maintain compatibility.
  5. Some of the more experimental features have been moved to dedicated repositories: