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Drupal Commerce 2.x contrib module. Allows to set quantity field's default_value, step, min, max, prefix and suffix on a form display widget. Also, the commerce product variation stock can be managed if the appropriate submodule is enabled.

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Commerce Extended Quantity

Allows to set quantity field's default_value, step, min, max, prefix and suffix on a form display widget. Additionally, validates user input on the field and order item's quantity availability both on an Add to cart form and quantity update field in a Shopping cart. Also, allows to disable quantity field for a given order item type on the cart#. More info could be found on the Extended Number Field ↗ module's page, on top of which the current module is built. Also, the submodule Commerce Extended Quantity Stock ↗ can be enabled to manage product variation stock.

Tip: you can see this file in your browser by clicking the admin/help# link at the right of the Admin toolbar and then the admin/help/commerce_xquantity# link in the list.

The module was created as a solution for the following Drupal Commerce issues:


If you want to expose quantity field for a customer on the Add to cart form, then go to the admin/commerce/config/order-item-types/default/edit/form-display/add_to_cart page and enable Quantity field on the respective form display mode. The default order item type is taken as an example. Actually, might be any order item.

Quantity settings summary

The quantity widget settings' summary explained:

  • default value: The quantity to pre-fill on an Add to cart form by default.
  • step: The main setting of the field. Defines the allowed amount to increment or decrement the field value with. So, the value entered must be an exact multiple of the amount. The setting also defines a sub-type of the field. For example, If you set it to an integer value then the field becomes integer despite being initially decimal field with precision 14,4. No decimal values will be accepted for the field. The same with decimal step. If you set it, for example to 0.5, then no decimal values like 0.05 or 0.005 or 0.0005 will be accepted despite the initial decimal part of the field can be up to 4 digits. However, the 1 or 2 or 99 are valid input values because these numbers are multiples of the 0.5 step. For the most common set up you might set it to 1. If you sell, for example, t-shirts but want your customers add to cart only even quantities, then you might set it to 2 and force them to buy 2 or 4 or 98 but not 1 or 3 or 99 t-shirts.
  • min: The minimal value allowed. Use it to force customers for buying no less than the value. Should be the multiple of the step and no greater than the max property.
  • max: The maximum value allowed. Should be the multiple of the step and no less than the min property. Use it to restrict customers on the order item quantity to buy.
  • prefix: The text appearing before the quantity field.
  • suffix: The text appearing after the quantity field.
  • placeholder: The text appearing inside the empty quantity field.
  • disable_on_cart: Whether to disable field in a Shopping cart for the given order item type.
  • base_default_value: The value defined for the field in code (1).
  • base_step: The calculated value which is the minimal step for the decimal field with the precision 14,4 (0.0001).
  • floor: The most possible minimal positive value for the field (0). Note that this value is overriden by the step property, which must be greater than 0 by its nature.
  • ceil: The most possible maximum value for the decimal field with the precision 14,4 (9999999999.9999).

To change the settings displayed on the widget summary click on the gear icon at the right of the summary. If you don't want to expose quantity field for a customer on the Add to cart form but still require non-default settings for the field then do the same settings on the Default form mode's form display widget.

Quantity settings

Disable on cart

There might be cases when a customer should be disallowed to update quantity in a Shopping cart. For example, you did not exposed the field on an Add to cart form supposing the default quantity to be added or, the field is exposed but you disallow the customer to change their mind on the cart page. So, they have just two options: either to continue with checkout or remove order item from a cart. Arguably, this workflow may increase sales rate.

Disable on cart Disabled edit quantity

Important notes

Settings workflow

When saving the Xnumber field widget's settings it is recommended to do it with the multi-step workflow. First, set and save the Step property of the quantity field which is the definitive setting for all the rest numeric properties. Then, using the controls at the right of the Minimum property field set the desirable value (optional). Save it. After that, you may set the Maximum property (optional). And finally, set the Default value which will be pre-filled for a customer on an Add to cart form or quantity update field in a Shopping cart table (optional). The same with changing the earlier saved Step property. First, set blank for the Default value, Minimum and Maximum properties and then repeat the above procces. Later, when you grasp how the module works you can set it up in one go without getting error messages on an attempt to save a wrong value.

Empty string or 0 quantity

As the quantity field is not required a customer may empty the field and try to submit the form. On the Add to cart form an error will be emitted with the minimal value allowed to submit to a customer. On the Shopping cart table it just removes the order item from the cart. The same approach is taken with an attempt to submit a 0 quantity (if the min property is not set).

Quantity vs items quantity

The Commerce Extended Quantity module introduces a new notion of the order item quantity:


Where ITEM is any separate item that must be measured in integer value == 1. Where UNIT is any non-zero unit of the ITEM that must be measured in decimal up to 4 digits after decimal sign and where one and only one ITEM is a set of multiple UNITS.

Another words, if you have 1.999 g of pizza in your Shopping cart then it is considered as 1 item with the quantity of 1.999. If you have 2.000 g of the pizza then it is the same: 1 item with the quantity of 2.000. But if the step on the quantity field is integer and the quantity in the Shopping cart is 2, then it is considered as two separate items with the quantity of 2.

The Drupal Commerce experts should not be scared by the approach above because the only place where it is implemented is the Shopping cart block, where quantities displayed differently for the fields having integer or decimal step.

@PHPFILE: modules/contrib/commerce_xquantity/src/Plugin/Block/XquantityCartBlock.php LINE:46 PADD:5 :PHPFILE@

All the rest code such as price or tax calculation has no any impact with the notion and as usual uses this method:

$quantity = $order_item->getQuantity();

The current Drupal Commerce module forcibly casts decimal quantity in the Shopping cart block to integer value which is confusing and might mislead a customer:

$count += (int) $order_item->getQuantity();

However, with the Commerce Extended Quantity module you may encounter the following quantities in the Shopping cart block:

Wrong quantities

Again, the decimal quantity is truncated in the block. To mitigate the issue go to the admin/structure/views/view/commerce_cart_block page, open order item: Quantity for editing and do the following changes:

Edit block view

And you'd get this:

Right quantities

Quantity price adjustments

The module allows to adjust order item price depending on its quantity.

First, set required number of quantity ranges and save the widget settings. After that set the quantity start which is the only required field on a range. Optionally set additional conditions for this quantity price adjusment to be applied. If the Price list checkbox is checked and the respective price exist then this price will be applied instead of a regular variation price.

Quantity price adjustments

Adjusments explained

Starting from the minimum quantity for this order item type (means: any quantity) add 0.99 to each variation price of the physical_var type. Apply this adjustment on _Friday_s and _Sunday_s until 22:00 PM in case if a user is anonymous and stop running it right before the beginning of the 2020 year. Do NOT notify user about this adjustment:

Qty start 0.01

With the quantity 1.02 through 4.99 subtract 10% from the price of each variation on products having 123 or 456 ID in case if a user is authenticated. Start this adjusment today at 08:30 AM and run it forever. Notify user about this adjusment:

Qty start 1.02

Starting from the 3.45 quantity subtract 50% from the price of each product variation belonging to the my_store store. Run this adjusment forever from the 1st March 2019. Notify user about this adjusment:

Qty start 3.45

Starting from the 1.23 quantity apply List price for the variations having 1234 or 5678 ID and do NOT adjust this price. Run this adjusment from 11:30 AM to 14:00 PM on Monday s and Thursday s for a privileged_buyer. Notify user about this adjusment:

Qty start 1.23

The quantity price adjustment messages display all required info for a customer in order to help them to get a great deal: the quantity to add to a Shopping cart and the price that will be charged for each order item:

Quantity price adjustments messages

Quantity price adjustment settings


The only field which is required. The step, min and max settings of the field are synced with the respective quantity field settings. To apply an adjustment for any quantity in a Shopping cart set for this field the min value and leave the QTY END field empty.


This field step, min and max settings are synced with the respective quantity field settings. Note that if this field has for example, the value 1.05 and the next adjustment QTY START field has the value 1.50 then product variation quantities 1.06 through 1.49 are NOT covered by any of the adjustments and will be added to a Shopping cart using the original price. Hence, if a customer already has an order item with the 1.05 quantity and got a lower price for this item then increasing the quantity to 1.06 the order item price and its total will be recalculated with the original order item unit price.


The date to start an adjustment with. Should be in the YEAR-MONTH-DAY format. See an example value in the field's placeholder. This field does NOT need if you want to start your adjustment on the current day. The field might be useful for automatically starting an adjusment on some day in the future. Can be used together with the TIME START and / or WEEK DAYS fields to get a more granular adjusment runtime condition settings.


The date to end an adjustment with. Stops all other date / time settings on an adjustment. So, if you set 2020-01-01 value for this field then starting from this date the adjustment will NOT run anymore.


The time of the day to start an adjustment with. Must be in a 24-hours time format with leading zeroes. See an example value in the field's placeholder. You do NOT need this field if you want to start an adjustment right now. Might be used with the TIME END field to run the adjustment on a particular time range or with DATE START and / or WEEK DAYS fields to get a more granular adjusment runtime condition settings.


The time to end an adjustment with disregarding of other date / time settings. Might be used with the TIME START field to run the adjustment on a particular time range or with DATE END and / or WEEK DAYS fields to get a more granular adjusment runtime condition settings. For example, if you set for the DATE END 2020-01-01 value then it stops right BEFORE the New Year but if you add 13:00 value for the TIME END field then it will stop on the 31st of December 2019 exactly on this time.


The day(s) of the week to run an adjustment on. Have to be the English name of a day. See an example value in the field's placeholder. For multiple values insert one value on each line. Might be used together with any of the date / time fields.


The variation ID(s) to make price adjustment for. For multiple values insert one value on each line. Note that variations have to be of a type which is bundled with the current order item type. A variation ID can be found by visiting parent product/NNN/variations page, then clicking on the Edit button at the right of the variation and copying the value from a browser address bar:

Variation ID


The product ID(s) to make price adjustment for ALL its variations. For multiple values insert one value on each line. Note that a product have to be bundled with this type variation which in its turn is bundled with the current order item type. A product ID might be found from a browser address bar by visiting its page or its variation(s) edit page. See the image above: the 61 is the product ID.


The variation type(s) to make price adjustment for. For multiple values insert one value on each line. The types available for the current order item type might be seen from the field placeholder.


The product type(s) to make price adjustment for ALL its variations. For multiple values insert one value on each line. The types available for the current order item type might be seen from the field placeholder.


The store type(s) to make price adjustment for ALL its product variations. For multiple values insert one value on each line. The types available for the current order item type might be seen from the field placeholder. Note that an admin should on their own to decide whether this particular store type has products pertaining to the current order item type.


The user role(s) to make price adjustment for. For multiple values insert one value on each line. The roles available might be seen from the field placeholder. Note that because the information on this field might open security vulnerability a user in order to have access to this field's placeholder value must have administer users permission.


Whether to apply List price instead of a regular variation price on this adjustment. Note if the field does not exist then the regular price will be applied.


Whether to add or subtract the adjustment value from a price.


The value to use for a price recalculation.


Whether the value above should be deemed as a Fixed value or a Percentage.


Whether to display a message with an adjustment data to help a customer to take the right decision on an Add to cart and / or Shopping cart pages. See the image above.

The quantity price adjustments defined on an order item type widget can be changed dynamically by implementing the HOOK_xquantity_add_to_cart_qty_prices_alter(). For example, you can remove adjustments for some product or variation type based on your custom condition or change the adjusment data before applying that to an order item. Or, just set the minimum quantity on the QTY START field and leave all the rest fields empty in order to use an adjustment as a trigger and then apply your own bussiness logic in the hook:

@PHPFILE: commerce_xquantity.module LINE:53 PADD:10 :PHPFILE@

The same with the quantity price adjusment messages which could be changed or removed in the HOOK_xquantity_add_to_cart_qty_prices_msg_alter(). See an example:

@PHPFILE: commerce_xquantity.module LINE:73 PADD:4 :PHPFILE@

An Item added to your cart message alter

If you want to alter or remove the message shown to a customer when an order item is added to a Shopping cart then implement the HOOK_xquantity_added_to_cart_msg_alter(). See the example in the commerce_xquantity.module file:

@PHPFILE: commerce_xquantity.module LINE:35 PADD:8 :PHPFILE@

Have a good sales' quantity!

Module author:
  Vlad Proshin (drugan)
  [[email protected]]([email protected])


Drupal Commerce 2.x contrib module. Allows to set quantity field's default_value, step, min, max, prefix and suffix on a form display widget. Also, the commerce product variation stock can be managed if the appropriate submodule is enabled.






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