A simple Rich Text Editor for Blazor Server or Blazor WebAssembly applications. This rich text editor is based in Quill JavaScript.
Nugget installation
PM> Install-Package BlazorBasics.RichTextEditor
Or clone the repository and add the project to your solution.
Add the component where you want to show rich text editor like this example:
<RichTextEditorComponent Html=HtmlMarkupString OnSave="SaveHtml"/>
MarkupString HtmlMarkupString =
new MarkupString("<p>A long time ago in a galaxi far, far away...</p>");
void SaveHtml(string html){
//process your data
- Show/Hide Save button into the menu
- Disable paste images if you don't like to allow base64 image insert into the document
- Show/Hide Images button to allow or not user can insert images
- You can use your API to upload images
You will receive a object from the editor like
public class FileUpload
public string FileName { get; set; }
public byte[] FileBytes { get; set; }
public FileUpload(string fileName, byte[] fileBytes)
FileName = fileName;
FileBytes = fileBytes;
Then need a Task to return a string with the URL about where is located the image. If don't return a url and return string.Empty editor add the image into de document like a image/base64 but you also can manage the image, to register in a database for example.
<RichTextEditorComponent Html=HtmlMarkupString OnSave="SaveHtml" UploadFile=UploadFile/>
MarkupString HtmlMarkupString =
new MarkupString("<p>A long time ago in a galaxi far, far away...</p>");
void SaveHtml(string html){
//process your data
async Task<string> UploadFile(FileUpload file)
string url = await YourApiToUploadFiles.SaveFile(file);
return url;
<RichTextEditorComponent Html=HtmlMarkupString OnSave="SaveHtml" HideImageButton=true AvoidPasteImages=true/>
MarkupString HtmlMarkupString =
new MarkupString("<p>A long time ago in a galaxi far, far away...</p>");
void SaveHtml(string html){
//process your data
If you want to use external save button it's much better use the property HideSaveButton=true to avoid user can see 2 save buttons, into the editor and outside the editor
<RichTextEditorComponent Html=HtmlMarkupString OnSave="SaveHtml" @ref=Editor HideSaveButton=true />
<button @onclick=Save>Save</button>
RichTextEditorComponent Editor;
MarkupString HtmlMarkupString =
new MarkupString("<p>A long time ago in a galaxi far, far away...</p>");
string Html;
void SaveHtml(string html){
Html = html;
async Task Save(){
await Editor.GetContent();
//process your data