[ July 12, 1994 ]
' Revision V2.12 @ DOS
Copyright (c) 1989-1994 by Yellow Rose Software Co.
Written by Mr. Leijun @Kingsoft
Press HotKey (default is holding both the left and right Ctrl keys) to remove all TSR programs after this program. More usages can be displayed after running "RI.com /?"
Build environment recommeded:
MASM can't recognize some instructions such as "locals".
Step1: tasm RI
Step2: tlink/t RI
Step3: RI.com generated, Enjoy!
If the error message "can't find dpmi16bi.ovl" appears at step2, You can find and alternate the linker to tlink.exe in Turbo C v2.0 or Turbo C++ v1.01 above.