A Python client for accessing PancakeSwap Lottery smart contract information through Web3.py.
Documentation: https://frefrik.github.io/pancakeswap-lottery
Examples: https://frefrik.github.io/pancakeswap-lottery/guide/examples
Source Code: https://github.com/frefrik/pancakeswap-lottery
PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pancakeswap-lottery
Install from PyPI:
pip install pancakeswap-lottery
from pancakeswap_lottery import LotteryV2
lottery = LotteryV2()
# Current lottery round number
current_round = lottery.current_round()
# Current ticket id
ticketid = lottery.current_ticket()
# Status of lottery round
status = lottery.status()
# Lottery draw date and time of lottery round
draw_date = lottery.draw_date()
# Ticket price in CAKE
ticket_price = lottery.ticket_price()
# Total prize pool of lottery round in CAKE
prize_pool = lottery.prize_pool()
# Prize pool allocation in CAKE
allocation = lottery.prize_pool_allocation()
# Total number of tickets in lottery round
total_tickets = lottery.total_tickets(lotteryround=23)
# Winning numbers for lottery round
winning_numbers = lottery.winning_numbers(lotteryround=16)
# Get lottery winnings (CAKE) for a given address and round
address_winnings = lottery.address_winnings(address="0x621D6ee5FA9634d86396C13fAaD6A7827606A6d7", lotteryround=16)
# Get lottery winnings (CAKE) for a given ticket and round
ticket_winnings = lottery.ticket_winnings(lotteryround=10, ticketid=158408)
# Number of winners per prize bracket
winners = lottery.winners_per_bracket(lotteryround=16)
# Amount of CAKE won per ticket in each prize bracket
cake_per_bracket = lottery.cake_per_bracket(lotteryround=16)
# Percentage probability of winning the lottery
winning_probability = lottery.winning_probability()
# Data from historic lottery rounds can also be pulled
status = lottery.status(lotteryround=10)
draw_date = lottery.draw_date(lotteryround=10)
ticket_price = lottery.ticket_price(lotteryround=10)
prize_pool = lottery.prize_pool(lotteryround=10)
allocation = lottery.prize_pool_allocation(lotteryround=10)
>>> lottery.current_round()
>>> lottery.current_ticket()
>>> lottery.status()
>>> lottery.draw_date()
2021-07-12 20:00:00
>>> lottery.ticket_price()
>>> lottery.prize_pool()
>>> lottery.prize_pool_allocation()
{'match_1': 630, 'match_2': 1891, 'match_3': 3781, 'match_4': 6302, 'match_5': 12605, 'match_6': 25210, 'burn': 12605}
>>> lottery.total_tickets(lotteryround=23)
>>> lottery.ticket_winnings(lotteryround=15, ticketid=567093)
>>> lottery.address_winnings("0x621D6ee5FA9634d86396C13fAaD6A7827606A6d7", lotteryround=16)
{'tickets': 8, 'ticketids': [634970, 634971, 634972, 634973, 634974, 634975, 634976, 634977], 'winning_tickets': [634970, 634971]}
>>> lottery.winning_numbers(lotteryround=16)
>>> lottery.winners_per_bracket(lotteryround=16)
{'match_1': 19133, 'match_2': 1921, 'match_3': 188, 'match_4': 21, 'match_5': 1, 'match_6': 1}
>>> lottery.cake_per_bracket(lotteryround=16)
{'match_1': 0, 'match_2': 3, 'match_3': 62, 'match_4': 925, 'match_5': 38843, 'match_6': 77687}
>>> lottery.winning_probability()
{'match_1': 10.0, 'match_2': 1.0, 'match_3': 0.1, 'match_4': 0.01, 'match_5': 0.001, 'match_6': 0.0001}
Lottery V1
from pancakeswap_lottery import Lottery
lottery = Lottery()
# Current lottery round
issue_index = lottery.get_issue_index()
# Total pot (CAKE) of current lottery round
total_amount = lottery.get_total_amount()
# Prize pool allocation (percent)
allocation = lottery.get_allocation()
# Total addresses
total_addresses = lottery.get_total_addresses()
# Drawed
drawed = lottery.get_drawed()
# Drawing phase
drawing_phase = lottery.get_drawing_phase()
# Last timestamp
timestamp = lottery.get_last_timestamp(epoch=False)
# Date and time of lottery round
lottery_date = lottery.get_lottery_date(432)
# Total rewards of lottery round
total_rewards = lottery.get_total_rewards(432)
# Winning numbers of lottery round
history_numbers = lottery.get_history_numbers(432)
# Numbers of tickets matched
history_amount = lottery.get_history_amount(432)
# Numers of tickets matched a specified number
matching_reward_amount = lottery.get_matching_reward_amount(432, 3)
# Lottery numbers for a given ticket
lottery_numbers = lottery.get_lottery_numbers(1328060)
# Rewards for a given ticket
reward_view = lottery.get_reward_view(1328060)
# Max number
max_number = lottery.get_max_number()
# CAKE contract address
cake_contract = lottery.get_cake()
# PLT-token contract address
lottery_contract = lottery.get_lotteryNFT()
# Total number of tickets bought by a given address
balance = lottery.get_balance_of("0xc13456A34305e9265E907F70f76B1BA6E2055c8B")
>>> lottery.get_issue_index()
>>> lottery.get_total_amount()
>>> lottery.get_allocation()
{'1': 50, '2': 20, '3': 10}
>>> lottery.get_total_addresses()
>>> lottery.get_drawed()
>>> lottery.get_drawing_phase()
>>> lottery.get_last_timestamp(epoch=False)
2021-03-27 11:38:49
>>> lottery.get_lottery_date(432)
2021-03-26 02:00:00+00:00
>>> lottery.get_total_rewards(432)
>>> lottery.get_history_numbers(432)
[2, 13, 7, 3]
>>> lottery.get_history_amount(432)
{'4': 1, '3': 34, '2': 718}
>>> lottery.get_matching_reward_amount(432, 3)
>>> lottery.get_lottery_numbers(1328060)
[11, 5, 14, 6]
>>> lottery.get_reward_view(1328060)
>>> lottery.get_max_number()
>>> lottery.get_min_price()
>>> lottery.get_cake()
>>> lottery.get_lotteryNFT()
>>> lottery.get_balance_of("0xc13456A34305e9265E907F70f76B1BA6E2055c8B")
If you found this library useful and want to support my work feel free to donate a small amount ๐๐ป
- ๐ฅ CAKE: 0xCFad66049e2C9Bc28647B2e2e3449B6B7C602d42
- ฮ ETH: 0x7E916c46157f012Fb8dece4A042Dc603e8d627Df
- โฟ BTC: bc1qgn2mdf5wsxft33s3ea8sh060y85mzntzs8cuu7
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
This project is not affiliated with the PancakeSwap team.