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Bayesian Location-Scale Meta-Analysis


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blsmeta: Bayesian Location-Scale Meta-Analysis

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The goal of blsmeta is to provide a user-friendly interface for Bayesian meta-analysis, including fixed-effects, two-level, and three-level (for dependent effect sizes) random-effects models.

Additionally, a key feature of blsmeta is “scale” modeling, which allows for predicting the variance components with moderators (e.g., perhaps between-study variance is not constant across studies). As a result, heterogeneity statistics and prediction intervals are then a function of those same moderators, thereby opening the door to better understanding heterogeneity in meta-analysis.

Version 1 is forthcoming, say, by the end of June 2021.

You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Note that the development version will be fully usable, in so far as it will have been tested, documented, etc. It will gradually include more functions over the coming weeks (merged from other branches), culminating in the official release.

Below, there are some simple examples demonstrating how to use blsmeta. In the future, there will be several examples showcasing the utility of scale modeling in meta-analysis.

Table of Contents

Installing JAGS

blsmeta uses the popular Bayesian software JAGS to estimate the models. It must be downloaded from the following link:


# install for data
if (!require('psymetadata')){

Fixed-Effects Model

Overall Effect

# fit model
fit_fe <- blsmeta(yi = yi, vi = vi, 
                  data = gnambs2020)
# results

#> Model: Fixed-Effects
#> Studies: 67 
#> Samples: 20000 (4 chains)
#> Formula: ~ 1 
#> ------
#> Location:
#>             Post.mean Cred.ub Rhat
#> (Intercept)     -0.07    0.03   -0.12   -0.02 1.00
#> ------
#> Date: Mon Jun 07 12:03:56 2021 

There is an important difference from the metafor package, where, by default, a random-effects model is fitted. This is not the case in blsmeta, where, by default, a fixed-effects model will be estimated if the level two variable is not provided.


fit_fe <- blsmeta(yi = yi, vi = vi, 
                  mods = ~ 0 + color,
                  data = gnambs2020)

# results

#> Model: Fixed-Effects
#> Studies: 67 
#> Samples: 20000 (4 chains)
#> Formula: ~ 0 + color 
#> ------
#> Location:
#>            Post.mean Cred.ub Rhat
#> colorblack     -0.04    0.13   -0.30    0.22 1.00
#> colorblue      -0.04    0.07   -0.18    0.10 1.00
#> colorgray      -0.12    0.05   -0.22   -0.01 1.00
#> colorgreen     -0.06    0.03   -0.13    0.00 1.00
#> colorwhite      0.00    0.12   -0.23    0.22 1.00

#> ------
#> Date: Mon Jun 07 12:21:07 2021 

In the not too distant future (this was written on 6/7/21), it will be possible to compare those effects (e.g., colorgreen - colorwhite).

Two-Level Model

Overall Effect

A two-level random-effects meta-analysis is implemented with

fit_re <- blsmeta(yi = yi, vi = vi, 
                  es_id = es_id,
                  data = gnambs2020)

# results

#> Model: Two-Level
#> Studies: 67 
#> Samples: 20000 (4 chains)
#> Location Formula: ~ 1 
#> Scale Formula: ~ 1 
#> Note: 'Scale' on standard deviation scale
#> ------
#> Scale:
#>               Post.mean Cred.ub Rhat
#> sd(Intercept)      0.10    0.06    0.02    0.22 1.00
#> Location:
#>             Post.mean Cred.ub Rhat
#> (Intercept)     -0.08    0.03   -0.14   -0.02 1.00
#> ------
#> Date: Mon Jun 07 12:26:24 2021 

Notice the argument es_id, which corresponds to the effect size id (1:k, where k is the number of studies).

Scale Moderator

A key feature of blsmeta is scale modeling that allows for predicting the between-study variance (or “scale”) with moderators (just like for the effect size or “location”). In this following example, heterogeneity is predicted study size.

fit_re <- blsmeta(yi = yi, vi = vi, 
                  es_id = es_id,
                  mods_scale2 = ~ n, 
                  data = gnambs2020)

# results

#> Model: Two-Level
#> Studies: 67 
#> Samples: 20000 (4 chains)
#> Location Formula: ~ 1 
#> Scale Formula: ~ n 
#> Note: 'Scale' on standard deviation scale
#> ------
#> Scale:
#>             Post.mean Cred.ub Rhat
#> (Intercept)      0.01    0.42   -0.77    0.88 1.03
#> n               -0.03    0.01   -0.05   -0.01 1.03
#> Location:
#>             Post.mean Cred.ub Rhat
#> (Intercept)     -0.06    0.03   -0.11    0.00 1.00
#> ------
#> Date: Mon Jun 07 12:30:18 2021 

Notice that the n parameter is negative, implying that studies with larger sample sizes are more consistent (i.e., less heterogeneity). That effect is on the log-scale, which is far from intuitive.

Predicted Values

To make sense of the scale model, it is possible to obtain predicted values of between-study heterogeneity at particular values of the moderator, that is,

tau2(fit_re, type = "sd", 
     newdata_scale2 = data.frame(n = seq(20, 200, 20)))

#>    Post.mean Cred.ub
#> 1      0.634   0.165   0.357   1.003
#> 2      0.378   0.083   0.226   0.553
#> 3      0.234   0.072   0.096   0.372
#> 4      0.149   0.063   0.037   0.273
#> 5      0.098   0.053   0.014   0.207
#> 6      0.065   0.043   0.005   0.161
#> 7      0.045   0.035   0.002   0.126
#> 8      0.031   0.028   0.001   0.100
#> 9      0.022   0.022   0.000   0.080
#> 10     0.015   0.018   0.000   0.063

Notice type = "sd", which ensures we are on the standard deviation scale (easier to interpret). The results indicate that there is quite a bit of heterogeneity in small studies, but it goes to practically zero as study size increases.

Three-Level Model

Three-level location-scale meta-analysis is fully implemented as well. The key is providing the study_id argument, which is the higher level grouping variable that the effect sizes are nested within. This accommodates dependent effect sizes.

fit <-  blsmeta(yi = yi, 
                vi = vi, 
                es_id = es_id,
                study_id = study_id,
                data = gnambs2020)

#> Model: Three-Level
#> Studies2: 67 
#> Studies3: 22 
#> Samples: 20000 (4 chains)
#> Location Formula: ~ 1 
#> Scale2 Formula: ~ 1 
#> Scale3 Formula: ~ 1 
#> Note: 'Scale' on standard deviation scale
#> ------
#> Scale2:
#>               Post.mean Cred.ub Rhat
#> sd(Intercept)      0.06    0.04    0.01    0.15 1.00
#> Scale3:
#>               Post.mean Cred.ub Rhat
#> sd(Intercept)      0.20    0.06    0.09    0.34 1.01
#> Location:
#>             Post.mean Cred.ub Rhat
#> (Intercept)     -0.12    0.06   -0.25   -0.02 1.00
#> ------
#> Date: Sun Jun 13 11:27:08 2021 

Comparing Variance Components

One question might be whether one variance component is larger, which can be tested with the linear_hypothesis function.

linear_hypothesis(obj = fit, 
                  cred = 0.90,
                  lin_comb = "scale3_Intercept > scale2_Intercept",
                  sub_model = "scale")
#> Hypotheses:
#>  C1: scale3_Intercept > scale2_Intercept 
#> ------ 
#> Posterior Summary:
#>    Post.mean Cred.ub Pr.less Pr.greater
#> C1      1.27    0.73    0.14    2.51    0.03       0.97
#> ------ 
#> Note:
#> Pr.less: Posterior probability less than zero
#> Pr.greater: Posterior probability greater than zero

These estimates are on the log-scale, and there is a 0.97 posterior probability that the level three variance component is larger than the level two variance component.

In the future, it will be possible to compare these models with the Bayes factor.

MCMC metafor

The package metafor is perhaps the gold-standard for meta-analysis in R. In blsmeta, it is possible to sample from the posterior distribution of a model originally estimated with metafor (rma objects are currently supported).


fit <- mcmc_rma(rma(yi = yi, vi = vi, 
                 method = "FE", data = gnambs2020), 
                 data = gnambs2020)
# results

#> Model: Fixed-Effects
#> Studies: 67 
#> Samples: 20000 (4 chains)
#> Formula: ~ 1 
#> ------
#> Location:
#>             Post.mean Cred.ub Rhat
#> (Intercept)     -0.07    0.03   -0.12   -0.02 1.00
#> ------
#> Date: Mon Jun 07 13:27:13 2021 

This function works for any kind of model fitted with rma.

User-Defined Priors

User-defined priors can be defined for each parameter. This is accomplished with the assign_prior function. For example,

prior <- 
  c(assign_prior(param = "(Intercept)", 
                prior = "dnorm(0, pow(1, -2))", 
                dpar = "location"),
    assign_prior(param = "n", 
                 prior = "dnorm(0, 1)", 
                 dpar = "location"),
    assign_prior(param = "(Intercept)", 
              prior = "dnorm(-0.5, pow(1.5, -2))", 
              dpar = "scale", level = "two")

The pow(1.5, -2) allows for specifying the standard deviation, whereas JAGS uses the precision, or the inverse of the variance, which can be confusing (hence use pow(., -2)). This would then be used in the prior argument of blsmeta.

For a sanity check, it is possible to verify that the priors made it to the correct parameters as follows

priors <- make_prior(yi = yi, 
           vi = vi, 
           mods = ~ n,
           prior = prior,
           es_id = es_id,
           study_id = study_id,
           data = gnambs2020)


#> #location priors
#> #(Intercept)
#> beta[1] ~ dnorm(0, pow(1, -2))
#> #n
#> beta[2] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
#> #scale level two priors
#> #(Intercept)
#> gamma[1] ~ dnorm(-0.5, pow(1.5, -2))
#> #scale level three priors
#> #Intercept
#> eta[1] ~ dnorm(-2, 1)

Notice that the “scale” priors are negative. At first, this may not seem correct because the scale refers to the variance. By default, however, a log-linear model is fitted to the variance components. As a result, the priors are on the log-scale which is very flexible on the one hand, but on the other, not very intuitive.

To better understand those priors, use sample_prior.

samps <- sample_prior(priors, iter = 50000)

Then you can plot the prior with hist(exp(samps$gamma), xlim = c(0, 2), breaks = 10000).

Forthcoming Features

There are a variety of things strategically left out of blsmeta. This is because I am hoping to be a professor. To this end, I am planning to tackle the following with students that join my lab:

  1. Bayesian hypothesis testing (with the Bayes factor)

  2. Visualization (with ggplot2)

  3. Shiny Application

  4. Website

Option 1 could be a first year project for a graduate student. I have several other ideas for meta-analysis (to help get the ball rolling, if interested), but these would not likely be a part of blsmeta. Option 2 will result in authorship on the software paper for blsmeta (written once students contribute). Options 3-4 will be ongoing for undergraduate students. For each option, students will learn valuable skills for industry (e.g., data science) and academia (e.g., pursing a PhD).

Note also this “lab” exists only in thought, and will hopefully come to fruition in the fall of 2022 or 2023.


While I intend to save these projects, working with underrepresented students (BIPOC, first-generation, students from developing countries, etc.) takes precedence. If you are interested in the above options, or have an idea of your own, please email ([email protected]) or DM on Twitter ( I prefer Twitter.

Women of color and Native Americans are especially encouraged to reach out.


Bayesian Location-Scale Meta-Analysis



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