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Simple python library for posting dataset records to OSTI public API


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OSTI API Python Module


To facilitate posting data set metadata to OSTI ELINK API to obtain DOIs, via python language interface.

The OSTI data set API is designed for use by US Department of Energy funding recipient researchers and laboratories to obtain DOIs Digital Object Identifiers for data sets. Documentation is available for the API at OSTI's ELINK web site.


The library module requires publicly available support modules dicttoxml and the requests module. To install these locally, use your system's pip (or pip3) python installer function.

# install python libraries required to use this module
$ pip3 install dicttoxml

$ pip3 install requests

# download this module from github (here)


There are three main functions in the ostiapi library for use by clients with existing ELINK user accounts. Please contact OSTI to obtain credentials if you do not already have them. OSTI staff can work with you to access the test and production environments as needed.

Accessible functions:

  • reserve(data, username, password) Send minimal metadata in order to reserve a DOI value for upcoming data sets pre-publication.

  • post(data, username, password) Send required metadata to OSTI in order to obtain a live published DOI for completed data sets, or update URL or other metadata information. An OSTI ID value or accession number (unique identifier provided by the client) is required in order to update existing records, and will be generated upon successful post or reserve call.

  • get(parameters, username, password) Obtain metadata from OSTI for existing data sets. If parameters (dict) is empty, all records will be returned. Supported parameter key values below, which may be combined as desired. Note the returned object should contain elements '@start', '@rows', and '@numfound' indicating starting row index, number of rows in request set, and total number found respectively.

    key description
    start starting row index, from 0 (defaults to 0)
    rows number of desired rows per request (defaults to 25)
    osti_id query a single record by its OSTI ID
    status One of "complete", "saved", or "pending"; by OSTI record status
    title search text of titles
    author search authors of records
    publication_date_from find records published on or after indicated date (MM/DD/YYYY)
    publication_date_to find records published on or before indicated date (MM/DD/YYYY)
    submit_date_from find records submitted on or after indicated date (MM/DD/YYYY)
    submit_date_to find records submitted on or before indicated date (MM/DD/YYYY)
    accession_num find records by unique site-specific ID value
    status find records by status: one of 'complete', 'saved', or 'pending'
    doi find records by DOI value
    site_input_code restrict records to a particular ELINK site code value

Examples below are from the python3 interpreter, and have been tested on version 3.6.8 python.

$ python3
    >>> import ostiapi
    library defaults to production access, use testmode() to set to OSTI test servers
    >>> ostiapi.testmode()
    reserve a DOI for unpublished or in-process data set prior to publication if desired
    >>> data=ostiapi.reserve({'title':'My upcoming dataset', 'accession_num':'sample-ds-0001'}, 'my-osti-account', 'my-osti-password')
    >>> data
    {'record':{'osti_id':'1509999', 'accession_num':'sample-ds-0001', 'product_nos':None, 'contract_nos':None, 'title':'My upcoming dataset', 'doi':'10.5072/1509999','doi_status':'RESERVED', 'status':'SUCCESS', 'status_message':None, '@status':'NEW'}}

    Note the data['record']['osti_id'] value for later update of the data set
    if accession_num is provided, it may be used in place of osti_id
    Ensure the value of data['record']['status'] is 'SUCCESS' to indicate the record was accepted and stored properly;
    if not, the data['record']['status_message'] value should detail any errors or metadata validation issues.

    Retrieve first set of all records from OSTI.
    >>> ostiapi.get({}, 'my-osti-account', 'my-osti-password')
    {'record':[{'osti_id':'11509999', ... }], '@start':0, '@rows':1, '@numfound':1}

Reserved DOI values are not minted with DataCite, but intended as placeholders until such time as the data set is ready for publication. Once this is the case, you may update the existing DOI reservation record by "osti_id" or "accession_num" value via the method, providing additional required metadata fields in order to complete the submission. Upon receiving a SUCCESS on the post() operation, the DOI should be minted an live with DataCite within 24 to 48 hours.

Required and optional metadata fields are detailed below, and should be passed as the data dictionary argument of the function in order to mint a data set DOI with OSTI.

Required Metadata Fields

The, username, password) function requires at least the following keys be present in the "data" dictionary argument.

key name description
title A title for the data set
dataset_type A content type designating the primary type of data in the data set (see below)
creators OR authors Either "creators" value, consisting of a string of author "last, first" values semi-colon delimited, OR "authors" with more complete details (see below)
publication_date The data set publication date, in MM/DD/YYYY format
site_url URL linking to data set landing page content for DOI destination
contract_nos DOE contract numbers for funding identification from OSTI
sponsor_org The sponsoring organization name

Additional metadata details are encouraged to aid in data set discoverability with various search services. The recognized fields are shown below.

key name description
keywords Semi-colon delimited set of key words or phrases for the data set
description An abstract or description of the data set
accession_num A site-specified unique identifier to optionally identify the record
research_org The name of the researching organization
doi_infix Optionally specify an intermediate string for DOI construction. Will be inserted between prefix and suffix of the generated DOI.
product_nos Product or report numbers assigned to this data set
other_identifying_numbers Any other non-report or contract numbers as applicable, semi-colon delimited list

Data set content type values

Codes describing the primary make up of the data set.

code description
AS Animations/Simulations
GD Genome/Genetic Data (such as gene sequences)
IM Interactive data maps, such as GIS data and/or shape files
ND Numeric Data
IP Still images or photos
FP Figures/Plots, charts and diagrams
SM Specialized Mix of differing data types
MM Multimedia, such as videos of experiments
I Instrument

Author Details

Additional information about creators or authors may be provided via an array of "authors" details specified as indicated below. This includes email contact addresses, and ORCID values if applicable.


    >>> data['authors']=[{'first_name':'Neal', 'last_name':'Ensor', 'affiliation_name':'DOE OSTI', 'private_email':'[email protected]', 'orcid_id':'0000-0001-5166-5705'}]
key name description
first_name Given or first name of author
last_name Family or last name of author
affiliation_name Facility or lab affiliation of author
private_email Contact email for this author
orcid_id ORCID assigned to this author


Simple python library for posting dataset records to OSTI public API







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