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Wordpress Developer Test

Get started

  • Fork the repository
  • Create a database called sw-wordpress-test
  • Create the user swtest with the password is 123456 and give it access to the db
  • Add to your hosts file
  • Add the following to httpd-vhosts.conf, making sure to use the correct path to the project
#SW Wordpress Developer Test
<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "C:\projects\wordpress-developer-test"
    <Directory "C:\projects\wordpress-developer-test">
      AllowOverride All
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all
  • Follow the Wordpress install instructions

The test

All of the files that you will need for the test are located inside of the directory test-documents

Part 1

  • Create a custom post type called Products
  • A Product needs fields in the admin for Title, Link, Image, Background-color
  • Take each of the images from the product-images directory, and create a product from them.
  • Each one should have:
    • a different background-color
    • a different title
    • a link to a page about it
  • Display these Products on the home page, and make sure that it looks good in every screen size. You can refer to the screenshot called products, in the screenshots directory, to see how it should look.

Part 2

  • Create a custom post type called videos
  • A video only needs fields in the admin for Name, youtube-id
  • Take each of the videos listed in the text file videos-list and create a video from them.
  • On the home page, below the products section, create a new section and that shows only one video and a list of text links for the other videos. Refer to the screenshot called videos, also in the screenshots directory to see how it should look.
  • When you click the link to another video in the list, the video displaying on the home page should change and become the new video


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