This FloraTradeHub (Flower Shop) Management System is a web application built using Django, a Python web framework. The system allows users to manage flower categories, add, update, and delete flowers, and handle customer orders. Additionally, it includes user authentication and profile management.
User Authentication:
- Users can sign up with a new account.
- Email confirmation is required for account activation.
- Users can log in and log out securely.
- User profiles are customizable with the option to update details.
Flower Management:
- Admin users can add, update, and delete flower categories.
- Admin users can add, update, and delete flowers within categories.
- Cart Functionality: Users can add flowers to their cart, view the cart, and place orders.
- Each flower has details like a title, description, price, available quantity, and an image URL.
- Flower details are managed through forms with validation.
Order Management:
- Users can add flowers to their shopping cart.
- Users can view their shopping cart, remove items, and confirm orders.
- Admin users have access to an order dashboard, and flower management dashboard where they can view and manage customer orders and update flower data.
- Email notifications are sent to users when they place an order and when their order is confirmed.
Additional Pages
- Homepage displays available flowers, categorized and with their respective details.
- The About Us page provides information about the flower shop.
- Django: Python web framework
- HTML, CSS: Front-end styling
- Bootstrap: Front-end framework
- SQLite: Database
- Deploy: Onrender