Releases: djgroen/facs
FACS v2.1
This is a release follow-up for FACS v2.0.2
Compared to v2.0.2, it contains the following major changes:
- Solved an important bug in the transmission equations.
- Changed default vaccination file name to vaccination.yml.
- Revised the constants for the airflow parameters.
- Simplified the frontend CMD interface (fewer arguments required).
And the following minor changes:
- Added modifiable arguments for the name of the vaccination and disease YML input files.
- Added flexible data format for measures YML files.
- Removed the number of example input files to make the distribution smaller.
- Added more detailed documentation in a few places.
FACS v2.0.2
This is a bugfix release follow-up for FACS v2.0.1
Compared to v2.0.1, it contains the following improvements:
- Fixed an issue in the infections output csv file which caused double headers in it.
- Changed the office selection in households from nearest to random, to reduce simulation output artifacts created by domains with clustered housing or very irregular shapes.
- Improved the reporting of building information on simulation startup: total m2 by building type is reported, and only rank 0 now reports this information.
Note that this version creates approximately 50% lower results in the first wave than v2.0.1 for several test cases due to the change in the office selection algorithms.
FACS v2.0.1
This is a bugfix release follow-up for FACS v2.0.0
Compared to v2.0.0, it contains the following improvement:
- We fixed some of the handling of the measures YML input file. Mask wearing compliance rates , both normal and during shopping, as well as social distancing compliance rates, can now be individually adjusted in a consistent and correct manner.
FACS v2.0.0
Assuming that the version presented in the Journal of Simulation Paper is v1.0, I decided to tag this new version v2.0.
The improvements are fundamental and widespread. They include, but are not limited to:
- Support for vaccinations.
- Support for interventions defined via a YaML file.
- A new an more rigorously justified ruleset for infectious spread.
- Inclusion of transport-driven infection.
- Support for parallel execution using MPI.
- More automation and better integration with the FabSim3 plugin FabCovid19.
Latest documentation is available on
FLACS alpha release
This is a first pre-release of the FLu And Coronavirus Simulator.
This version of the code has not been peer-reviewed outside of our local collaborative community yet and has only been partially validated so far. We are sharing it in this early stage as a service to the community, and to support/enable outside scrutiny. Improvements and more information will arrive soon.