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cat | shgpt q "Summerize the above README in the style of Shakespeare"

Greeting all, 'tis time to install mine shell-gpt-php. 'Tis a wondrous treasure that can assist with thy questions and commands, thine need only download the latest release, execute thine commands, and away we go! Set thy key for the dilaog, or 'tis time to pipe thy content in and generate shell command with or one line python program. Ask a question, or show token usage from thy last ninety days, 'tis all here! Tis a goodly thing all said, so depart thou now, and enjoy thine shell-gpt-php.


Download the latest release:

sudo cp -f shgpt.phar /usr/local/bin/shgpt
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/shgpt
rm shgpt.phar

Set key

Set (or change) API key

shgpt key

Create a dialog

shgpt dialog


shgpt d

Something like ChatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo model). Meaning that the answer is extrapolated from the previous questions and answers.

You: Say "hello world"
Assistant: Hello world!
You: ...

Some sub commands are available in the dialog mode:

Available commands: 

save  - Save dialog to file
exec  - Execute a command and feed the output to the dialog
exit  - Exit the dialog
comm  - Show all commands
clear - Clear the dialog and start over

Type a message to ChatGPT. Maybe 'hello world!' You may also use above commands.

All dialogs are auto-saved on exit to the directory ~/.config/shell-gpt-php/data/

Generate a shell command:

Command optimized for shell commands.

shgpt shell "Command to search replace in files recursive in current directory"
# -> find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/search/replace/g' {} \;

shgpt s "command to change origin of a git repo"
# -> git remote set-url origin <new url>

Add the -e flag to execute the command:

shgpt s "Command to search replace in files recursive in current directory" -e
# -> Execute command: find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/search/replace/g' {} \; ? Sure you want to continue? [Y/n]

Generating code:

Command to generate code snippets.

shgpt code "Can you make a simple HTML template?" > index.html
more index.html

shgpt c "Write a one line hello world python program"
# -> print("Hello World!")

Ask any question

shgpt question "Extract directories from this list of files: $(ls -l)"
# -> bin, src, tests, vendor

shgpt q "What is the distance to the sun? Just show me the number."
# -> 149,597,870.7 kilometers 


The shell, code, question commands will accept input from STDIN. STDIN will be added before the prompt. E.g.:

cat composer.json | shgpt q "What type of input is this?"
# -> This is a PHP package composer JSON file.

Set params

Save some model parameters that will override default params. But not parameters that exists on the command line.

E.g. if you set the temperature to 2.0 you will get kind of crazy results

shgpt params -h

Show token usage

Last 24 hours, last 7 days, last 30 days and last 90 days.

shgpt usage


Export all dialogs as markdown:

shgpt export some_dir


MIT © Dennis Iversen


Create shell commands and code using GPT-3







No packages published