This can translate large (and small) text files using the OpenAI API.
Examle usage:
- Convert complex text to simple text.
- Translate text between different languages.
How It Works:
The text is divided into sections, separated by two or more newlines. A paragraph is a collection of sections, with a default size limit of e.g. 1024 tokens.
Each paragraph is translated using the OpenAI API. The original text and the translated text is inserted into a sqlite3 database.
You need to have an openai API key.
Add your openai API key to your environment, e.g. in .bashrc
export OPENAI_API_KEY=your-api-key
Or add the openai API key to a .env
file in the directory where you execute gpt-translator
Install latest version using pipx
pipx install git+[email protected]
gpt-translator translate --help
Usage: gpt-translator translate [OPTIONS]
-f, --from-file TEXT Source file for translation. [required]
-p, --prompt TEXT Prompt for translation. [required]
-d, --working-dir TEXT Working directory. Default is 'output'
-m, --max-tokens INTEGER Max tokens per paragraph. Default is 1024
-i, --idxs INTEGER Translate specific paragraphs by index. Default is
--failure-sleep INTEGER Failure sleep time. Default is 10 seconds
--temperature FLOAT Temperature. Default is 0.7
--presence-penalty FLOAT Presence penalty. Default is 0.1
--top-p FLOAT Top P. Default is 0.99
--model TEXT Model to use. Default is gpt-3.5-turbo
--separator BOOLEAN When exporting text, include part separator.
Default is False
--help Show this message and exit.
Translate a text file (markdown in this case):
gpt-translator translate -f input/ -p "Translate the following two scenes from Hamlet by Shakespeare to a modern version so that it is easier to understand. It should be as simple as possible, but no simpler."
The translation will be placed in the output
directory. In this case the translated text will be placed in a file named
Update a translation by idxs:
gpt-translator translate -f input/ --separator true --prompt "Please translate a part of Hamlet to Sindarin (Tolkien dialect). Here is the text you should translate: " --idxs 2
Remove database:
gpt-translator cleanup
pip install git+[email protected]
For usage see
MIT © Dennis Iversen