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A gem to manage the installed [minio]( binary and handles setup and teardown of the minio server.


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Manages the installed minio binary and handles setup and teardown of the minio server.


This is a simple way of managing the locally installed minio server using an installed binary. This can be used to start/stop the server when running automated tests or developing locally against an S3 alternative. It also installs the mc (minio client) CLI tool to make interacting with the server easier.

This an extremely focused gem and will not focus on all possible different configurations and binaries of minio. Only Linux and macOS platforms are supported at this time.

This gem was inspired by the webdrivers project.


In your Gemfile:

gem 'minio_runner', require: false

In your project:

require 'minio_runner'

The minio runner will not automatically locate, download, and start minio. You will need to use the following calls; for example in your before/after suite setup and teardown for rspec.

# Locate and download the minio binary if it does not exist, and start the server with provided configuration.
# The binary will be updated if the new version (which is checked every time `MinioRunner.cache_time` expires)
# is greater than the installed version.

# Stop the currently running server.

Download Location

The default download location is ~/.minio_runner directory, and this is configurable:

MinioRunner.config.install_dir = '/minio_runner/install/dir'

Alternatively, you can define the path via the MINIO_RUNNER_INSTALL_DIR environment variable. The environment variable will take precedence.

Caching minio version

You can set Minio Runner to only look for updates if the previous check was longer ago than a specified number of seconds.

MinioRunner.config.cache_time = 86_400 # Default: 86,400 Seconds (24 hours)

Alternatively, you can define the time via the MINIO_RUNNER_CACHE_TIME environment variable. The environment variable will take precedence.

Rake tasks

You can run bundle exec rake -T -a to see all the rake tasks. The ones specifically related to minio runner will be namespaced into minio_runner.


The logging level can be configured for debugging purpose via the MINIO_RUNNER_LOG_LEVEL environment variable.

The available values are found in

The minio server will log to the install_dir in a minio.log file.

Minio configuration

Only a small subset of minio configuration (defined at is supported. The subset of configuration options can be found from running the list_configurable_env rake task.

All minio configuration can also be specified via MinioRunner.config, and anything set in this way will override environment variables. Environment variables should be in the format MINIO_RUNNER_MINIO_X:

MinioRunner.config do |config|
  config.minio_port = 9000 # MINIO_RUNNER_MINIO_PORT
  config.minio_console_address = 9001 # MINIO_RUNNER_MINO_CONSOLE_ADDRESS
  config.minio_domain = 'minio.local' # MINIO_RUNNER_MINIO_DOMAIN

The configuration in ruby will use the exact same names as the environment variables for minio.


By default a local alias is automatically created via the mc tool, which will point to localhost at the configured MINIO_RUNNER_MINIO_PORT. No other aliases are supported at this time.


You can specify the buckets that will be created (if they do not exist) when the minio server starts using the MinioRunner.config call above or using the MINIO_RUNNER_BUCKETS environment variable with a comma-separated list. Only S3-compatible buckets will be made.

MinioRunner.config.buckets = ["testbucket", "media"]

# MINIO_RUNNER_BUCKETS="testbucket,media"

Buckets will be made public to anonymous users if they are specified in the public_buckets configuration, which can also be set with the MINIO_RUNNER_PUBLIC_BUCKETS environment variable.

Hosts file

An important step that you must manually do yourself is to modify your /etc/hosts file to add an entry for your minio server defined by MINIO_RUNNER_MINIO_DOMAIN and also for any bucket defined via MINIO_RUNNER_BUCKETS, since they will be used as virtual-host style buckets.

For example: minio.local testbucket.minio.local

For macOS, there are some issues which cause large delays for .local domain names. See and To resolve this, you need to add IPV6 lookup addresses to the hosts file, and it helps to put all the entries on one line.

::1 minio.local testbucket.minio.local
fe80::1%lo0 minio.local testbucket.minio.local minio.local testbucket.minio.local


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


A gem to manage the installed [minio]( binary and handles setup and teardown of the minio server.





