- Features
- Getting started
- Developing
- Consuming components
- Backward Compatibility
- Preprocessors
- Testing
- Publishing to npm
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Credits & Inspiration
- Autoprefixing CSS
- Preprocessing
- Formating
- Linting
- Testing
- Storybook
Choose your template (regular/monorepo)
Clone it with degit:
npx degit YogliB/svelte-component-template my-new-component
npx degit "YogliB/svelte-component-template#monorepo" my-new-component
into the folder and install thenode_modules
cd my-new-component
git init
npm install
- For monorepo run:
npm run bootstrap
yarn bootstrap
- Run
npm init
, to configure the project.
Your component's source code lives in src/components/[MyComponent].svelte
- Start Rollup:
npm run dev
Edit a component file in
, save it and watch the magic happens. -
Make sure your component is exported in
. -
Make sure your component is imported and nested in
, so you can preview and test it. -
Navigate to localhost:5000 to see your components live.
Your package.json has a "svelte"
field pointing to src/components/index.js
, which allows Svelte apps to import the source code directly, if they are using a bundler plugin like rollup-plugin-svelte or svelte-loader (where resolve.mainFields
in your webpack config includes "svelte"
This template uses svelte-preprocess in order to integrate PostCSS auto-prefixing capabilities & Babel's transpiling capabilities into the build process.
uses browserlist under the hood, in order to "know" what css to prefix.
The browserlist
configuration is located inside the package.json
This template comes with the svelte-preprocess by default, which simplifies the use of preprocessors in components.
Getting Started with svelte-preprocess.
- To configure svelte-preprocess use the
variable in./preprocess.js
This template uses Cypress & testing-library for testing.
It is highly recommended going through their docs if you intend on testing your components.
You can witness a simple example by running npm run cy:open
It's for Svelte to be able to import multiple components from a single source.
For instance, it lets the user do:
import { MyComponent, MyOtherComponent } from 'my-component-library';
Instead of:
import MyComponent from 'my-component-library/components/MyComponent.svelte';
import MyOtherComponent from 'my-component-library/components/MyOtherComponent';
There are a few options to do this:
- Don't include 3'rd party css and just tell your users to do that (Probably using PostCSS).
- Include it via a cdn, like so:
@import url('https://unpkg.com/@scope/package/main.min.css');
Publishing to npm
- Official component-template by @Rich-Harris
- Official app-template by @Rich-Harris
- This PR by @sisou
- This PR by @BlackFenix2